
Emperor's Wrath Episode 2: New Threat

Scene 1: Information Exchange with Dr. X

Adam and the crew entered the system room to exchange information with Dr. X during their refreshment break. Adam informed Dr. X that they had returned to this universe with the Crystal Tribe and that they planned to establish their base at the low-temperature black hole in the Andromeda Galaxy. Dr. X mentioned that there was no sign of a spaceship near that area, leading to a moment of silence. Dr. X then revealed that three black holes, which should be present in this universe, were missing, raising new mysteries. He also suggested that the mastermind behind the Temporal Warlord’s plan might be the Emperor. The conversation shifted to the growth of Starship AI (Ai), with Dr. X expressing astonishment at its evolution into a spherical supermassive spaceship, and acknowledging the logic behind its design.

Scene 2: Construction of the Crystal Tribe's Base

Around the low-temperature black hole, construction was gradually progressing within the stealth-covered area. Large-scale materials were being transported from different universes, and the assembly work was proceeding smoothly without any interference.

Scene 3: Imperial Activities

Imperial spies were operating within the Allied nations to gather intelligence, despite suffering significant losses in the previous great war. They acted cautiously to avoid exposure, which would cut off their information flow. However, within the government, there was conflict over whether continued spy activities were justified, as it was seen as sacrificing their own people and being used by the Empire.

Scene 4: Development of New Imperial Weapons

Imperial scientists were making significant progress in researching rare materials, and Lord Odin had issued orders to allocate more personnel and funds to this endeavor. The Empire was fully committed to developing new weapons.

Scene 5: Situation within the Alliance

Within the Alliance, the planets of the 13 species that had surrendered were now fully occupied by Imperial bases. Small-scale skirmishes continued, but the Alliance lacked the resources for large-scale attacks and was resorting to guerrilla warfare tactics to buy time.

Scene 6: Reporting to the Solar System Government

After their refreshment break, Adam and his team set off in the Starship AI to report to the Solar System Government.🍎


エピソード2: 新たな脅威

シーン1: ドクターXとの情報交換


シーン2: クリスタル種族の拠点建設


シーン3: 帝国の動向


シーン4: 帝国の新兵器開発


シーン5: 同盟国内の状況


シーン6: 太陽系政府への報告

