
The Universal Era Ⅷ: The Emperor's Wrath: Episode 1: New Hope

Scene 1: A New Base

The Starship AI and the Crystal Species' fleet arrive in Adam's universe. Adam contacts the leading Crystal Species to inquire about their base. They respond that they will establish their base at the low-temperature black hole in the Andromeda Galaxy. To avoid endangering the alliance, the Crystal Species suggest parting ways before formally meeting. Adam and his team understand and agree. Before returning to Earth, they warp to the planet of Dr. X and Dr. IX.

Scene 2: Quantum Communication

During the warp, Adam and his team send an encrypted quantum communication to the Solar System Government, reporting their return from the spatial rift. They inform the government that they will take a short break before returning, and receive an acknowledgment.

Scene 3: Establishing the Crystal Species' Base

The Crystal Species' fleet arrives at the low-temperature black hole in the Andromeda Galaxy and cloaks the entire region. They set up fake celestial images of the black hole to avoid detection.

Scene 4: Resting at Kepler 1649c

Adam and the special forces arrive at Kepler 1649c. Dr. IX conducts health and mental state checks on approximately 10,000 individuals, provides some treatment, and ensures they get rest and nourishment. Medical robots and humanoids are busy at work, while the Starship AI conducts self-repairs and upgrades.

Scene 5: Refreshment

The Starship AI crew, relieved from their state of tension, engage in parties, activities in nature, and training sessions, fully refreshing themselves.🍎

宇宙世紀シーズン8: 皇帝の憤怒

エピソード1: 新たな希望

シーン1: 新たな拠点


シーン2: 量子通信


シーン3: クリスタル種族の本拠地設置


シーン4: ケプラー1649cでの休息


シーン5: リフレッシュ

