
Episode 1: Imperial Reorganization - Internal Turmoil and New Order😎😎😎

Scene 1: The End of the Taibo and a New Beginning

The Taibo of the Empire fell in battle, and his death sent shockwaves throughout the Empire. The remaining Taishi and Taibo convened an emergency meeting at the Imperial Council Hall, summoning members from the first to fifth ranks to discuss the reorganization of the Empire and the establishment of a new leadership structure.

The Taishi stated, "The death of the Taibo is a great loss to us, but we must use this as an opportunity to build a new organization. Our goal is to regain our lost strength and protect the future of the Empire."

The Taibo nodded, "Our military strength has significantly decreased. First, we need to proceed with internal reorganization and rebuild our forces. Then, we must choose a new leader and establish a unified command system."

Scene 2: Selection of the New Taibo

To choose a successor for the Taibo, the Taishi and Taibo gathered high-ranking officials of the Empire and held a meeting. The candidates each presented their experiences and achievements, and discussions continued to select the most suitable person for the new Taibo.

At that moment, a photogram from the Emperor was displayed, commanding, "I appoint my disciple, Lord Odin." The message concluded with, "Lord Odin will arrive shortly."

After a while, Lord Odin appeared with his subordinates. The high-ranking officials present were awed by his presence.

Scene 3: Reconstructing Strategy

Appointed as the new Taibo, Lord Odin immediately began the reconstruction of the Empire and the reorganization of its strategy. First, he reorganized the remaining military forces and clarified the command structure of each unit.

Lord Odin emphasized, "Our enemies grow stronger by the day, but we must also become stronger. We need not only to reorganize our forces but also to introduce new tactics and technologies."

The Taibo responded, "We must make full use of our technological prowess and work towards the development of new weapons and the evolution of our tactics. The entire military must unite and prepare for the new battles ahead."

Scene 4: Internal Stability and New Challenges

Under the new Taibo, Lord Odin, the Empire rapidly reorganized and rebuilt its military strength. The Taishi and Taibo supported his leadership, aiming to stabilize the internal situation and look towards the future of the Empire.

Thus, the Empire stood up once again under the new leadership structure, preparing for the next battles. Ahead of them lay many trials and new challenges, but believing in the bright future, they continued to move forward.

Episode 1: 帝国の再編 - 内部の揺らぎと新たな秩序

Scene 1: 太保の最後と新たな始まり




Scene 2: 新たな太保の選定




Scene 3: 戦略の再構築




Scene 4: 内部の安定と新たな挑戦


