
Episode 15: A Turning Point into the Unknown - Escape and New Discoveries😊😊🤔

Scene 1: Destruction and the Emergence of a New Threat

The spherical devices that breached the barrier commenced a self-destruct attack on the Grand Protector's supermassive mothership and surrounding fleet. These devices exploded as black hole bombs, depleting the enemy fleet's forces one after another. Amidst this battle, an unknown supermassive mothership appeared. This mothership was of an entirely different design, featuring a strikingly vivid appearance. Unusually, the ship remained stationary without deploying any shields. The Starship AI, "Ai," reported recognizing a mark of the Imperial Army on the mothership, though it was unlike any seen before.

Scene 2: Resolution and New Developments

The Grand Protector's supermassive mothership was finally destroyed, and the Grand Protector uttered his last words, "I can finally die," before completely vanishing. As space briefly regained its silence, Adam and his crew were enveloped by a strange sensation. At that moment, the unknown supermassive mothership began to move faintly. Sensing this movement, the Starship AI, "Ai," abruptly executed a jump. The sudden jump caused minor injuries among the crew, but fortunately, there were no serious damages.

Scene 3: Emergency Evacuation and the Unknown Threat

Eve asked the Starship AI "Ai" what had happened. Ai explained, "We had to jump urgently because an antimatter cannon was fired." Adam asked, "Antimatter cannon?" to which Ai responded, "Yes, exactly." The crew was terrified by this unknown method of attack. Near the jump destination was a giant planet with an atmosphere breathable for humans. Considering the situation, the crew decided to make an emergency landing on this planet to take refuge and rest temporarily.

Scene 4: New Discoveries and the Decision to Return

Responding to the requests of the metal lifeform children who wanted to explore the newly arrived giant planet, the crew began an expedition. The planet was covered with lush greenery and numerous ancient ruins were discovered. However, no intelligent lifeforms were found. The ruins, seemingly abandoned billions of years ago, revealed a vast city of ruins. During the exploration, an item engraved with a simple imperial symbol was found, prompting a detailed investigation. With this significant discovery, the crew decided to keep the details secret for now and resolved to return to Kepler 1649c.

第15話(最終話): 未知への転換点 - 逃避と新たな発見

場面1: 破壊と新たな脅威の出現


場面2: 決着と新たな動き


場面3: 緊急避難と未知の脅威


場面4: 新たな発見と帰還の決断

