
Episode 4: Operation from Despair

Scene 1: Training and Preparation

Adam, Eve, Alisa, and the special forces were training with new tactics utilizing the technology of the Crystal species. Adam devised a plan to liberate the 13 species that had surrendered to the Alliance by dividing 10,000 special forces and space fighter squads into 13 groups and executing simultaneous rescue operations. The special forces leader strongly expressed the desire to put their training into practice, and Adam promptly instructed them to begin preparations.

Scene 2: Approval from the Alliance Council

Adam sought approval for the liberation operation from the Alliance Council through the Solar System government. He also expressed his intention to assess the capabilities of the Starship AI crew and to verify the effectiveness of new technologies and strategies. However, the Alliance, being in the midst of reconstruction, conveyed that they could not provide any assistance.

Scene 3: Commencement of the Operation

Adam and his team began the operation simultaneously. The first task was to destroy the enemy's communication systems to prevent reinforcements. Each of the 13 unit leaders was given the discretion to respond flexibly. Additionally, Adam had five warriors under his command on standby for emergencies.

Scene 4: Turmoil within the Empire

Lord Odin, frustrated with the delays in developing new weapons, put additional pressure on the scientists. As the scientists hastened their research, the tension within the Empire rose.

Scene 5: Commencement of the Surprise Attack

Adam’s special forces and space fighter squads launched simultaneous surprise attacks on the 13 occupied territories. Utilizing the technology of the Crystal species, they broke through the enemy's defense lines, initiating the battle to liberate the surrendered species. Their brave actions brought hope to the entire Alliance.🍎

エピソード4: 絶望からの作戦

シーン1: 訓練と準備


シーン2: 同盟国議会の承認


シーン3: 作戦の開始


シーン4: 帝国内の動揺


シーン5: 奇襲作戦始動

