
Episode 5: Operation from Despair

Scene 1: Liberation Operation

The special forces, divided into 13 groups of 300 fighter jets each, simultaneously space-warped to the 13 occupied planets. They synchronized with and penetrated each planet's shield, immediately assaulting the communication bases to disable and jam enemy communications. The forces then divided into teams to destroy docked enemy ships and fighters, and deployed ground troops. The ground troops successfully liberated several occupied areas. The combination of special tactics and advanced technology provided by the Crystal Species proved effective in breaking through enemy defenses.

Scene 2: Unexpected Resistance

As the operation continued, Adam and his team encountered unexpectedly strong resistance in one of the occupied areas. The enemy had fortified their positions and introduced new defensive strategies. Despite their advanced technology and tactics, the special forces struggled to advance and suffered heavy casualties. The area was revealed to house the main stronghold of the Grand Chancellor's forces, tasked with annihilating the allied nations.

Scene 3: Emergency Measures

Recognizing the severity of the situation, Adam immediately ordered the Starship AI to space-warp to the planet. With no time to consider a strategic retreat or reorganization, Adam received confirmation that the elite five-member team was ready to deploy. "We will attack the stronghold; provide rear support," he commanded as they launched swiftly.

Scene 4: Imperial Counterattack

Meanwhile, the Grand Chancellor stationed on the planet revealed a stealth fleet in space and launched a fierce attack on the Starship AI. The attack, enhanced by rare materials, directly hit the ship. However, the Starship AI, capable of absorbing energy, and Arisa proposed moving to the center of the enemy fleet. Adam and the crew quickly grasped the strategy.

Scene 5: Escalating Battle

The Imperial fleet, responding to the approaching Starship AI, intensified their attacks, deploying thousands of fighters to halt its advance. The fleet reversed and continued attacking while retreating.

Scene 6: Kamikaze Attack

On the planet, the struggling special forces saw the elite five-member team rush towards the Imperial stronghold at great speed. As they passed overhead, each of their fighters plunged into the stronghold and exploded.

Scene 7: Starship AI’s Counterattack

The Starship AI reached the center of the Imperial fleet, and the spherical ship began to spin. When the rotation speed reached its limit, a burst of light radiated in all directions.🍎

エピソード5: 絶望からの作戦

シーン1: 解放作戦


シーン2: 予期せぬ抵抗


シーン3: 緊急対策


シーン4: 帝国の反撃


シーン5: 激戦の展開


シーン6: 自爆攻撃


シーン7: スターシップAIの反撃

