
Episode 6: The Battlefield Darkened by Clouds

Scene 1: Starship AI's Counterattack

The all-around attack by Starship AI leaves much of the Imperial fleet in ruins. However, the elite Imperial forces remain and launch a fierce counterattack. Adam and his team utilize the technology of the Crystal species to defend themselves and withstand the enemy's assault.

Scene 2: Chaos Within the Empire

Meanwhile, the Empire realizes that communication is down. Thirteen bases are cut off, and even emergency communications from the planet where Taishi is stationed are not getting through. His old friend, Taibo, feels a deep sense of unease.

Scene 3: Infiltration of Taishi's Headquarters

The special forces' group of five ejects from their fighters just as they crash into Taishi's headquarters, using the explosion to infiltrate through the resulting breach. They head towards the command center, unaware that Taishi is there.

Scene 4: Taibo's Counterattack

Taibo urgently mobilizes his fleet and joins them. During the warp, he commands all fleet captains to prioritize Taishi's safety at any cost, creating an unprecedented tension.

Scene 5: Fierce Battle at the Headquarters

The area around Taishi's headquarters is a battlefield, with Starship AI providing long-range artillery support. However, the number and quality of the enemy forces are clearly different from those of the Imperial troops on other planets. Elite units are guarding the headquarters from all sides.🍎

エピソード6: 暗雲立ち込める戦場

シーン1: スターシップAIの反撃


シーン2: 帝国内の混乱


シーン3: 太師の本拠地への侵入


シーン4: 太博の反撃


シーン5: 激戦の総本拠地

