Fake tradition

I feel happiest when I touch my shoes. This is based on one Japanese traditional culture.
We have to touch and swipe our shoes with our own hands just before we take off our shoes. As you know, Japanese take off their shoes when we enter houses. Then we touch and swipe our shoes entering houses. It is not enough just touching nor swiping. Both are necessary. There are many cultural different groups in Japan. They have slightly different rules from each other. One of them has a rule that "we have to put our finger in our mouth after swiping shoes." or another has that "We have to use only our left hand swiping up." One of my friends says she does it before she puts on as well as takes off shoes. There are too many different rules to say. All I can say about this is that "touch and swipe shoes with our hand" is common in all groups.
I love this culture. I am proud of being Japanese because of this rule. Actually, I hated touching and swiping my shoes when I was younger, around 6-7 years old. I would kick off my shoes and be scolded by my mother almost everyday. Of course, it is very natural to touch and swipe shoes for Japanese just like greeting and putting on shoes walking outside. I was a very strange child. I'm sorry my mom for now.
This is one of a things definitely all Japanese do usually. If you see Asian taking off his shoes without touching with his hand, he is not Japanese. If he says he is Japanese, it is just a lie. He mustn't be Japanese.
This is treated as traditional culture in Japan but is Duty in actual. If you want to marry Japanese, you have to do it in front of a city office worker as well as submit marriage registration. Not because you are not Japanese. Japanese couple also do it each other. If you can't do it, you are not allowed your marriage.
This is why I feel happiest when I touch my shoes. I really like this action. I won't move my nationality as long as Japanese hold this tradition.
