
Freedom and Enlightenment!! The Era of Catherine

Catherine II was the Empress of Russia in the 18th century.

In 1762, she overthrew Tsar Peter III of Russia in a coup d'état and became empress. During her reign, which has been called the Golden Age of the Russian Empire, she made many achievements, including political reforms, cultural promotion, and education promotion.

Catherine II was born in 1729, the daughter of a petty lord of northern Germany. She was tutored by a French tutor and she grew up to be a brilliant girl who was fluent in French. Later, Empress Elizabeth of Russia, due to her heirless status, summoned her nephew Peter from Germany to be her crown prince and chose Catherine as her potential wife.

At the age of 14, Ekaterina left for Russia, where she found herself alone in a foreign court. However, she studied the Russian language, history, and customs in order to become Russian. She also became popular with her people when she converted to Russian Orthodox Christianity and took the name Ekaterina Alekseevna.

In 1745, the wedding of 16-year-old Catherine and 17-year-old Peter was celebrated.

However, Pyotr was an immature and young man, and his marriage was broken. Peter was addicted to alcohol and mistresses, professed Russophobia, and spoke only German. As a result, Empress Elizabeth even rated Catherine as smarter.

After the death of Empress Elizabeth, Peter became her emperor, but he despised Catherine and tried to make her mistress her empress. Having endured this humiliating situation, Ekaterina was actually pregnant with her favorite child. However, due to Peter's lack of ability to govern and her long-awaited desire for Catherine, preparations for her coup were advanced, and a bloodless coup was carried out awaiting Catherine's birth, and she ascended the throne.

After her accession to the throne, Catherine II undertook her humanitarian rule and undertook political reforms.

She focused on improving public hygiene, promoting women's education, and fighting famine. Ekaterina also gave her passion for beauty and love. She collected fine art from all over Europe and founded a museum called the Hermitage.

Catherine II had many love affairs, and she became her beloved partner with the soldier Potemkin. After he died, Ekaterina also closed her eventful life. Her death caused such sentimentality that an old French aristocrat lamented that "the most beautiful and brightest star in the northern hemisphere has disappeared."

Catherine the Great worked tirelessly to elevate vast Russia into a modern state.

Her political, cultural and educational achievements during her reign were outstanding and the Hermitage, still one of the world's leading museums, is part of her legacy. Catherine II's reign is 18th century, and her femtech (technology for women) is a modern concept. As such, her Catherine II direct influence cannot be mentioned on Femtech. Her major achievements of Catherine the Great, including her political reforms, cultural promotion, and education promotion, had a great impact on Russian society in general, especially in the 18th century.

However, her reign of Catherine II also brought certain changes regarding the status and rights of women. She was devoted to Enlightenment thought, and she also corresponded with French thinkers. Under her influence, Catherine II worked to promote her education and empower women. She was the first in Russia to implement women's education and helped establish educational institutions and schools.

The promotion of such education contributed to the improvement of women's social status and abilities. Improving women's knowledge and skills has, in the long run, expanded the possibilities for women to participate in activities in the fields of science and technology and contribute to technological progress and innovation. Therefore, it can be said that Catherine II's education policy and efforts to improve the status of women had an indirect impact on the development of femtech.

However, the specific concept of femtech did not exist in Catherine II's time, so her achievements and the relevance of femtech must be viewed from a modern perspective.

Catherine II (1729-1796) and Yodo-dono (1568-1615) A concubine of Toyotomi Hideyoshi and the mother of Toyotomi Hideyori, Yodo-dono was a woman from a different era and region, but had some things in common. exists.

1. Political influence: Catherine II was Empress of Russia and Yodo-dono was the lawful wife of Hideyoshi Toyotomi of Japan, so both had political influence. Catherine II was known as the Enlightened Tyrant, and she helped modernize and expand the Russian Empire. On the other hand, Yodo-dono, as Hideyoshi's concubine, supported the Toyotomi government through cooperation with her Ieyasu.

2. Promotion of culture: Catherine II worked to protect and promote art and culture, promoting cultural projects such as the creation of the Hermitage Museum. Yodo-dono was also enthusiastic about promoting the tea ceremony and Nohgaku, and is known as a patron of culture.

3. Political intrigue and strategy: Catherine II has a history of coming to power through her accession and coups. Also, several political intrigues occurred during her reign. Similarly, Yodo-dono's political strategies and intrigues played an important role in the decline of the Toyotomi clan after the death of Toyotomi Hideyoshi and the confrontation with Tokugawa Ieyasu.

4. Historical Mysteries: Several historical mysteries and rumors exist in the life of Catherine II and her Yodo-dono. In the case of Catherine II, there are questions and debates about the death of Peter III during her accession to the throne and her relationship with her son Pavel I. Regarding Yodo-dono, there are mysteries about the truth about Hideyoshi's child and Hideyori's real father.

These commonalities and mysteries are that Catherine II and her Yodo-dono were powerful women who played important roles in their respective times and circumstances.
and Their lives and achievements have been remarkable in history.

There are also different elements between Catherine II and her Yodo-dono:

1. Political status and power: Catherine II held supreme power in the state as Empress of the Russian Empire. As a powerful monarch, she made political decisions and was involved in the running of the state. Yododono, on the other hand, was a member of the Toyotomi family and she had no political power.

2. Social status and cultural background: Catherine II was of Baltic-German descent, and she had a European cultural background. Devoted to the Enlightenment, she is also known as a patron of the arts and literature. Yodo-dono, on the other hand, is of Japanese samurai origin during the Warring States period, and she lived a life rooted in Japanese culture and values.

3. Promoting reform and modernization: Catherine II promoted reforms that promoted modernization and westernization. She made reforms in areas such as education, administration, and law to modernize the country. On the other hand, Yodo-dono had limited political influence as a member of the Toyotomi family, and she did not play a leading role in promoting the modernization of the nation.

4. Succession to Her Power and Succession Issues: Catherine II nominated her sons and her grandchildren as heirs to the throne to secure her own succession. After her reign, the Romanov dynasty continued and her successors took the throne. On the other hand, after the death of Toyotomi Hideyoshi, Yodo-dono faced the decline of the Toyotomi family and a succession dispute, resulting in Toyotomi Hideyori becoming her successor, but the Toyotomi family being destroyed.

Considering these factors will help you grow as an individual and as an organization. By broadening your horizons and coming into contact with different cultures and backgrounds, you will find new ideas and solutions. It also means flexible thinking, the ability to adapt to change and respond to different situations. Combining these elements, it is important to have diverse perspectives and develop creative approaches to new challenges and opportunities. Catherine II and her Yodo-dono come from different backgrounds, positions and ways of wielding power, each with their own role and historical significance.
