
Peter koenig(ピーターカーニック)著 30 Lies about Money(後編)


30 Lies About Money Fortunately, once this projection mechanism is recognized the “antidote” is remarkably simple and precise. It is to take the quality that was previously projected unconsciously, and reclaim it to yourself, so that you are once again the source of it … reclaiming this role from money, where you have unconsciously sought to lodge it. So, let’s try this out, practically — beyond just a theoretical or abstract description. Return again to your list. Maybe a few of the items stand out for you more than others. Maybe some more important ones have come into focus while reading this book.

30 Lies About Money 幸いなことに、この投影メカニズムが認識されれば「解毒剤」は驚くほどシンプルで的確なものとなります。それは、無意識のうちに投影されていた特徴を自分のものにして、再び自分がその特徴のsourceとなるようにすることです......無意識のうちに宿そうとしていたオカネからこの役割を取り戻すのです。それでは、理論や抽象的な説明を超えて実際にやってみましょう。もう一度、リスト(序章で書き出したオカネとは何か?の10個のリスト)に戻ってみてください。もしかしたら、いくつかの項目が他の項目よりも目立っているかもしれません。この本を読んで、より重要な項目が浮かび上がってきたかもしれません。

The reclamation process looks like this. Wherever you have a statement of what money is for you, or statement containing the word money, simply replace the word money with “I. ” So “Money is freedom” becomes “I am freedom” or “ I am free ” , “ Money is power ” becomes “ I am power ” or “ I am powerful ” but “ Money is the root of all evil ” also becomes “ I am the root of all evil ! ” Do not judge yourself or this statement negatively in this process or try to be rational about figuring out the meaning. Just allow the statement to be, and allow yourself to be with the statement, allow it to “flow into and through you.” It represents an existential truth, because we have within ourselves everything, are the source of everything. While we may have had good reasons to deny some parts of ourselves and seek to locate them elsewhere, the existential truth is that they belong to us and if we disassociate from them, we actually have a deficiency. We are missing the energy they represent.


このプロセスにおいては、文を否定的に判断したり、意味を理解しようと合理的に考えたりしないでください。ただ、この文が存在することを許し、自分自身がこの文と一緒にいることを許し、それが "自分の中に流れ込み、自分の中を通り抜ける "ことを許してください。

Our unconscious and misguided attempt to reconnect is then to try and obtain money because in money is the locus of the projection! But the attempt to reconnect in this way fails, over and over again, because we’re chasing the illusion, the substitute, the surrogate, the shadow rather than the real thing. The way to reconnect, as directed above, is to refine that place where the quality we’ve unwittingly disassociated from has actually always been but been “papered over” in our amnesia. The process of “I am …” is the uncovering process, the rediscovery of “gold.” As you do this you may need a little trust or faith. If the paper is thin, you will immediately feel some movement. This can feel like coming home, a feeling of warmth, relaxation and very often deep mirth and humor.

再接続する方法は、上記のように、知らず知らずのうちに分離していた特徴が実際には常に我々の中に存在していた事を認識する事と、記憶喪失の中で「紙で覆われていた」場所を統合させることです。 「 I am(オカネを私はに置き換える)」のプロセスは、"ゴールド "を再発見するための発掘プロセスです。これを行う際には、少しの信頼や信念が必要かもしれません。紙が薄ければ、すぐに何らかの動きを感じるでしょう。

AFTERWORD We’ve just completed the 30 Lies together. Thank you for your trust, faith and diligence. You may have noticed that the 30th Lie is a kind of “gateway,” for which the other 29 were preparation. As numbers of people start to pass through this gateway, this will not just represent a development in our individual relationships to money but also have a decisive impact at a social level. Many people already yearn for more intelligent money systems based on whole, sustaining and authentically democratic principles. The realization of these systems — the designs for which are in good part already at hand — will occur when these social processes are sufficiently advanced. Wishing you good journeys and safe arrivals.

AFTERWORD 「30の嘘」を一緒に書き終えました。あなたの信頼、信念、そして勤勉さに感謝します。30番目の嘘は、他の29個の嘘を準備するための、一種の「ゲートウェイ」であることにお気づきでしょうか。このゲートウェイを多くの人が通過するようになると、個人のオカネとの関係が進展するだけでなく、社会的にも決定的な影響を与えることになります。すでに多くの人々が、全体的で持続可能な、真の民主主義の原則に基づいた、よりインテリジェントなマネーシステムを切望しています。このようなシステムの実現は、これらの社会的プロセスが十分に進んだときに起こりますが、そのためのデザインはすでにかなりの部分が完成しています。皆様の良い旅と安全な到着をお祈りします。





まずは個人の変容、次に社会(マネーシステム等)、そして最後に組織の変容(teal organizationやsource principle)という道筋が見えます。

個人の変容はmoney inner workで




