Day 42

Top Tips to Keep Your Eyes Healthy When Using Screens



  1. Experts recommend taking a 20-second break every 20 minutes.

  2. It reduces the amount of blue light your eyes are getting.

  3. It is often suggested to sit at least 50 centimeters away from the screen.


  1. Yes I do, I often experience eye strain so I always carry eye drops. Additionally I sometimes warm my eyes up at night to reduce eye strain.

  2. I look at screens for at least 12 hours a day. While I’m at work I use my computer constantly. In my free time I watch videos on my smartphone.

  3. No, I have never heard of it before.

  4.  Yes I use night mode on my smartphone. Since I started using night mode, I think I’m going to bed a little earlier than I used to.

  5. My eyesight is 0.9 in my left eye and 0.7 in my right eye. Over the years my eyesight has been getting worse.

Further Discussion

  1. I take a break every hour. Recently, I have a serious problem with frequent urination rather than eyesight.

  2. I haven't had a day like that in the past 10 years.

  3. I’d like to limit my screen time to about eight hours a day.

  4. Yes, I tried to limit my YouTube watching time on my smartphone, but it turned out to be a waste of effort.

  5. Believe it or not, it’s definitely me. Maybe.
