Day 41

Worst Online Passwords Revealed



  1. More than one-third (or over 33%) of people used personal information in their passwords.

  2. The password 'Superman' appeared in almost 585,000 data breaches.

  3. Bitwarden says you should choose a long password that includes letters, numbers and symbols.


  1. Yes I was surprised. I think Japanese people generally don’t use Superman in their passwords. I heard Japanese people often use simple passwords like “password” or “123456”.

  2. Yes I do, but the passwords are almost the same. I use a password which is a passphrase plus the site name. For example if my passphrase is “takoyaki”, for twitter I might use “takoyakitwitter”.

  3. No, I don’t. I don’t currently use a password manager. I used to use a service called 1Password, but it was a little bit expensive, so I stopped using it. Now I manage my passwords manually.

  4. No, they haven’t. 

  5. I don’t take many steps to protect my personal information online. The main thing I do is to use long passwords for my accounts.

Further Discussion

  1. I worry about credit card information leaks. If someone used my card to buy something expensive I would be troubled.

  2. Yes I do. I think they should start learning about internet risks from elementary school age.

  3. No I don’t, but I was almost a victim of an online scam myself. I received an email from Amazon saying / which said “your credit card has expired, you must update your card information” so I updated it. However I noticed something strange and immediately stopped my credit card.

  4. My grandmother is the least tech-savvy person I know. I’m worried she might fall for phone scams, especially the “it’s me” scam, common in Japan.

  5. I don’t usually ask anyone for help. I’m able to solve most tech issues on my own.
