
On the Ukraine Issue (Part 4): A class without a homeroom teacher

No one would want things to progress toward World War III. I would like to believe that both the West and the East have that in common.

However, the situation is so tense that a final war could break out at any moment.

How can we avoid the worst?

So here is the attitude being taken by the Western nations.

Even if one country invades its neighbor militarily, we cannot oppose it by direct military means.

That is where indirect countermeasures come in. We can provide the invaded country with weapons, supplies, and war expenditures, as well as economic sanctions against the invading country.... These are all indirect means of countering and protesting an invasion.

Now, I would like to ask you all a question.

Suppose we are students in the same class at a certain school. One student violently attacks the other student. There are, of course, circumstances that led to such a direct attack. The two of them have had a "spark" for years, and we have, in a sense, been pouring oil on that "spark" little by little, in a stealthy way. This is what caused the big "fire" this time. It is a fire so dangerous that it could split the entire class in two and develop into a direct clash between the two forces.

Therefore, the forces that were complicit with the student on the attacked side decided to avoid a direct confrontation with the student on the attacking side and instead provide weapons, supplies, and expenses so that the student on the attacked side could win this conflict, so to speak. They also began to manipulate their opponent into surrendering by straining the financial situation of the family of the student who is attacking.

Now, is this class willing to settle the conflict?

The biggest problem with this class is that there is no "homeroom teacher".

In other words, the question is who is the one who stands above us, all the people of the earth, and teaches and guides us?

I often find myself dreaming of a following question.

If there are aliens who are far more advanced than earthlings in terms of both intelligence and science & technology, what would they think of the current earthlings? If they were able to come to Earth, and if they were so advanced that they could control us, would they adopt the approach of being complicit with one side of the forces in the conflict?

In the first place, if such aliens came to earth, could we, as students in the same class, be in a position to fight with each other?

On the other hand, what if there is no life form in the universe as developed as earthlings? Who will judge us?

One answer might be, "It is God. "

Then, before we can be certain of God's existence and whereabouts there is only one attitude we must take. That is, we must invoke God, who already exists as a possibility within us, to solve our problems. We have no choice but to ask our "homeroom teacher", who already exists as a possibility for us as students in the class called "earth" in this school called "universe". In other words, each one of us will act as a proxy for "homeroom teacher" little by little.

If you don't like the term "divine agent," you can put it this way. If we, the human race, someday evolve to be a few steps wiser than we are now, what would that "future us" advise us today?

I would like to think together with you about this conundrum from now on.
