
On the Ukraine Issue (Part 5): One in a hundred gems

An eastern power invaded a neighboring country ruled by a western-leaning regime. The intention seems to be to annex the eastern-leaning region of that neighboring country into their own camp (although there are glimpses of more than this).
The region has been the scene of intense civil strife over "want to be independent" versus "don't want to let be independent" for many years now.
The eastern power has also done the same thing to another region of the same neighbor eight years ago, leading to annexation.
The intervening history seems to involve a complex tug-of-war between the East and West sides, with buffer state in between. In any case, all regional conflicts are still a microcosm of the East-West confrontation (one could call it the Cold War) that divides the globe in two.
As was the case eight years ago, the West avoided direct military intervention this time as well. Instead, they are countering and protesting the invasion through indirect interventions, such as providing arms, supplies, and war funds to the invaded country, and imposing economic sanctions on the invading country.
However, we are also dimly aware that these methods have not stopped the invasion. The more we learn about the situation, the more it seems that economic sanctions are not a prescription for stopping the invasion now, but will only bring "side effects" to both sides that will appear much later.
This does not mean, of course, that the East and the West should confront each other directly in this invaded country. The leader of the invaded country seems to want direct intervention by the Western camp, but if that were to happen, the country would be burned to the ground and a nuclear war might ensue.
In the end, "opposition" and "protest," whether direct or indirect, may add fuel to the fire, but they will not extinguish it. The most worrisome point is that all regional conflicts, whether direct or indirect, have become "proxy wars" between East and West, which divide the world as a whole.
There is no guarantee that Japan will not suffer the same fate.
How long will the human race be satisfied with this "impasse" situation?

I suppose what is clear is that it is time to graduate from the dangerous seesaw game of expanding or weakening the power of either the East or the West and "deconstruct" (or at least take the first step toward deconstruction of) the great confrontation that divides the globe.
If highly evolved aliens flew to the earth and saw the current East-West conflict among the people of the earth, they would see it as nothing more than a "quarrel between brothers" in a same single house.
They would say, "How long will the inhabitants of this planet continue to engage in dangerous fireworks fights in their own homes? What the hell has happened in the evolutionary process of this life form?"
Unfortunately, however, 99% of the world's population still does not have a methodology to put an end to this huge "family turmoil".

So, my first point is this.
The first step toward resolving the East-West conflict that divides the world is for as many people as possible to acquire this very alien perspective, a perspective that looks at the entire world, the entire planet, from the outside. In other words, it is a question of how each student in a class without a homeroom teacher can assume the role of substitute homeroom teacher.
I am not saying this merely as a "metaphor".
I tend to have the strangest fantasies, but what if the UN conference was held in a spaceship, everyone discussed world peace while looking at the earth from the outside, and no one could return to earth until a conclusion was reached? The world's conflicts would be resolved in one fell swoop. If it can't be settled in one meeting, we can have this spaceship conference as many times as we need.

I know that this is impossible, but as a practical matter, how can we change the mindset of those who have the power to decide the future of a country in the same way?
Of course, achieving such a change in consciousness is not as easy as it sounds. When people tell you that the alien's perspective is important, and you agree that it is, you have not yet achieved that change in consciousness.

Without going into too much detail, some statistics suggest that less than 1% of the world's population has achieved this kind of transformation in consciousness.
Needless to say, how much this percentage can be increased in the future is a major challenge for all mankind. In order to do so, it is important to first of all learn about the process by which our predecessors achieved such a change in consciousness.
In particular, the question of how to resolve conflicts depends on how many of the leaders of nations and those who have a voice in international cooperation have reached a level of awareness that allows them to look at the world with alien's perspective.
To go one step further, these one-in-a-hundred people should be floating in the group (school class) to which they belong. The remaining 99% of the population, who have a lower viewpoint than this person, do not recognize this person as having a higher viewpoint than their own, but simply as an alien being who has a "different" way of thinking from their own. This is where the "conflict" structure is already formed, and such personnel are "excluded" or "shunned" so to speak. In other words, such one-in-a-hundred types are regarded as nothing more than "exceptions" that can be discarded. In this way, the worldview of the remaining 99% majority always prevails.
The more the remaining 99% are the so-called elite, the more pronounced this tendency will be.
Naturally, I personally believe that there is nothing more dangerous than "majority rule," which is supposed to be the basis of democracy.

Would you say here, "In a moment of great importance, when we are trying to deal with a conflict that is dividing the world in two, we should not be listening to such exceptional people?"
To those of you who do, I would like to reiterate the following question.
You are now trying to deal with a conflict that is dividing the world in two. In order to do so, it is necessary for you to gain a cosmopolitan perspective that allows you to look at the entire human race from a bird's eye view. If you have already acquired such a perspective, you can easily resolve the conflict (let's call it non-understanding) between the 1% minority and the 99% majority, or more specifically, between person A and person B, can't you?
If there is a conflict between yourself and someone else, so to speak, it should be even easier to resolve it.
Yes, you need to be the first to go beyond "you are now" yourself. Then the world will look different. Change can only begin from there.

I am sorry to sound harsh, but raising your perspective to a higher level means that you will have an experience that will completely destroy the values and worldview on which you are currently sitting cross-legged. In other words, you will die once in terms of your way of life.
To put it figuratively, you will acquire a new mode of life that will allow you to live even if you have to go out into space to get a bird's eye view of the earth.
However, this "collapse of values and worldviews" is actually only apparent. In other words, the transformation of consciousness is not the collapse (disappearance) of the old values and worldviews, but is actually a process of "transcending" them while leaving them intact. But in any case, the old values and worldviews will have to come to a moment when they will no longer be completely valid, even if only apparently.

Incidentally, if you are interested in my own experience, please read my book "Cosmic Spirit. It also describes the root cause of the huge "family turmoil" that is taking place right now.

Now that I have become somewhat "self-serving," let me return to the subject.
The realization of world peace and your personal transformation of consciousness are connected. It is a question of how each classmate can gradually take over the role of homeroom teacher in a classroom where there is no homeroom teacher. To do this, you yourself must experience the collapse of your own values and worldview, and die once in your consciousness. Of course, this is accompanied by fear. But unless you overcome that fear, you will not be able to gain a higher perspective.
In fact, I believe that this "fear of death on consciousness" is one of the reasons why the human race continues to be in a "family turmoil". This naturally involves the issue of "survival" as a form of life.
So, what is it that makes us overcome the "fear of death," which also involves the issue of survival?
What are the common experiences of the 1% who have already overcome such "fear of death" and achieved a transformation of consciousness?
I intend to cover these topics in detail in the following articles.
