
Anolytics offers data, image, text and vide…


Anolytics offers data, image, text and video annotation service for computer vision and machine learning process.


Audio & Speech Data Annotation Services for Machine Learning

Data annotation is a tedious process, and the cost of hiring human annotators is rising. With the help of a dedicated team of audio experts and speech scientist…


What is the use and purpose of image annotation in object detection?

Annotation of images is crucial to help machines or computer vision models identify and interpret the objects correctly. Annotation is done with predetermined l…


Image Annotation for Computer Vision AI in Agriculture & Farming

Anolytics offers Training Data for AI in Agriculture with all types of image annotation service to make the objects recognition through computer vision. It is s…


Text Annotation Service for NLP in Machine Learning

The video showing the Text Annotation for Machine Learning. How texts are annotated with added metadata making the entire text document recognizable or comprehe…


Video Annotation Services for ML, AI and Computer Vision

The video annotation services offered by Anolytics is available for wide-ranging AI development fields like autonomous vehicles, human activity or poses to reco…


Polyline Annotation Computer Vision

Polyline image annotation service for self-driving cars and autonomous vehicle machine learning training. Anolytics provides the high-quality training datasets …


Polygon Annotation Services

Polygon annotation service offered Anolytics to annotate the asymmetrical or coarse objects with precision for machine learning training. It is providing the hi…


Social Media Content Moderation

Content moderation service to remove or moderate the different types of contents from various online platforms making them accessible to citizens. Anolytics mod…


Video Annotation Computer Vision

Anolytics is providing the video annotation service for machine learning training data to create the AI ​​models. All types of moving objects are annotated fr…


Data Labeling Companies

A one of the best data annotation companies, Anolytics is known for offering the high-quality machine learning training data for wide ranging AI models. Compute…


Artificial Intelligence Security System

For AI in Security Cameras, gets high-quality training data for machine learning. To make the objects recognizable to AI security cameras, image annotation tech…


Training Data Healthcare

Medical image annotation service offered here to annotate the different types of medical images with high precision helping machine learning algorithms to make …


Ai in Robotics

Anolytics provides the training data sets for AI in robotics. The computer vision model detecting the various types of objects need high-quality training datase…


Applying Artificial Intelligence and Machine Learning in Robotics with Right Training Data

This is blog post by Anolytics discussing about the application and use of artificial intelligence and machine learning into robotics. The blog explained how AI…


Use Of Artificial Intelligence In Robotics And Autonomous Machines Algorithm

Anolytics offers superior Training Data for Robot and autonomous machines algorithm training based on AI or machine learning process.It is creating the training…


Polyline Annotation Computer Vision Training Data

Polyline annotation is helpful in detecting the lanes while training the self-driving vehicles. Anolytics is providing the such data for machine learning to mak…


Audio & Speech Data Annotation Services for Machine Learning

Data annotation is a tedious process, and the cost of hiring human annotators is rising. With the help of a dedicated team of audio experts and speech scientists at Anolytics, we can create an effective solution to meet your project's audio

What is the use and purpose of image annotation in object detection?

Annotation of images is crucial to help machines or computer vision models identify and interpret the objects correctly. Annotation is done with predetermined labels with the help of expert human annotators. In simple words, annotation of i


Image Annotation for Computer Vision AI in Agriculture & Farming

Anolytics offers Training Data for AI in Agriculture with all types of image annotation service to make the objects recognition through computer vision. It is specialized in annotating the crops, vegetables and fruits in farm field. The images are annotated to train the AI or ML models work automatically making agriculture easier and productive. Read more -​ Follow on Social Media: Facebook:​ Twitter:​​ Linkedin:​ Pinterest:​ Instagram:


Text Annotation Service for NLP in Machine Learning

The video showing the Text Annotation for Machine Learning. How texts are annotated with added metadata making the entire text document recognizable or comprehensible to machines. Anolytics provides the text annotation services for machine learning and NLP-based all types of AI models need huge amount of labeled datasets. Anolytics make every text comprehensible to machine learning based AI developments with high-quality data annotation services. Read more - Follow on Social Media: Facebook: Twitter:​ Linkedin: Pinterest: Instagram:


Video Annotation Services for ML, AI and Computer Vision

The video annotation services offered by Anolytics is available for wide-ranging AI development fields like autonomous vehicles, human activity or poses to recognize the facial expressions and detect the activities for machine learning. It is also providing live video annotation service using the most advance tools and techniques to annotated the moving objects with best level of accuracy while ensuring the safety of data at each stage of annotation and data delivery.

Polyline Annotation Computer Vision

Polyline image annotation service for self-driving cars and autonomous vehicle machine learning training. Anolytics provides the high-quality training datasets created through polyline annotation to make the street lane and path surface mar

Polygon Annotation Services

Polygon annotation service offered Anolytics to annotate the asymmetrical or coarse objects with precision for machine learning training. It is providing the high-quality image annotation service to annotate the images used for deep learnin

Social Media Content Moderation

Content moderation service to remove or moderate the different types of contents from various online platforms making them accessible to citizens. Anolytics moderate UGC contents not suitable for the social media community or having spam or

Video Annotation Computer Vision

Anolytics is providing the video annotation service for machine learning training data to create the AI ​​models. All types of moving objects are annotated frame-by-frame to make them recognizable to machines through computer vision. And An

Data Labeling Companies

A one of the best data annotation companies, Anolytics is known for offering the high-quality machine learning training data for wide ranging AI models. Computer vision based AI model looking for annotated images can get huge quantity train

Artificial Intelligence Security System

For AI in Security Cameras, gets high-quality training data for machine learning. To make the objects recognizable to AI security cameras, image annotation technique is used to create the huge quantity datasets at low-cost. Using the latest

Training Data Healthcare

Medical image annotation service offered here to annotate the different types of medical images with high precision helping machine learning algorithms to make the disease recognizable to computer vision technology. Once such an annotation

Ai in Robotics

Anolytics provides the training data sets for AI in robotics. The computer vision model detecting the various types of objects need high-quality training datasets for machine learning. Anolytics offers image annotation services to annotate

Applying Artificial Intelligence and Machine Learning in Robotics with Right Training Data

This is blog post by Anolytics discussing about the application and use of artificial intelligence and machine learning into robotics. The blog explained how AI works in robotics, what types of sensors are used into the robotics to make it

Use Of Artificial Intelligence In Robotics And Autonomous Machines Algorithm

Anolytics offers superior Training Data for Robot and autonomous machines algorithm training based on AI or machine learning process.It is creating the training data sets with annotated images making the various objects recognizable to AI i

Polyline Annotation Computer Vision Training Data

Polyline annotation is helpful in detecting the lanes while training the self-driving vehicles. Anolytics is providing the such data for machine learning to make the roads and streets visible to autonomous vehicles. It is involved in image