
オーストラリアの集中治療医 Georgeの日記(2)〜Covid-19に備えること








オーストラリアは、幸運なことに政府からの医療資源と支援が潤沢でした。 数週間以内に、直ぐに使える人工呼吸器、ベッド、エコー、個人防護具が届きました。



George Zhou : 「Perioperative communication in English 麻酔科医師・周術期看護師のための周術期英語コミュニケーション」の翻訳者。パース在住の麻酔科医師・集中治療医師。日本語が堪能であり、2019年に聖路加国際病院で半年間勤務。

Preparing for covid-19

Australia was lucky to escape most of the covid-19 disaster. My hospital is a designated referral hospital for infectious diseases and as a result we probably admitted the most patients in Australia into the ICU. I remember as a department we were reading the news and talking about this new virus that was in China and as time progressed, we slowly increased our preparation. Once the first few patients were admitted to our hospital, we knew we had to make a plan for ICU. My ICU is lucky enough to have all beds in a single room and we quickly cohorted a zone of 13 beds into a separate unit.
Once you become a specialist in a tertiary hospital, a large part of your job is no longer clinical work, but a lot of administrative and organisational work. There were endless meetings, protocols to be written, education for the nurses and junior doctors and it was a busy time for everyone. There was a dedicated intubation team so that only the best airway doctors would perform intubation. In total we looked after only 11 patients in the ICU which was lucky. A lot of patients were discharged home and it was amazing as an ICU doctor to see that happening. Seeing the news from overseas was frightening.
Australia is lucky enough to have plenty of resources and support from the government. Within weeks we had ventilators on standby, beds, ultrasound machines and access to personal protective equipment. The healthcare system is essentially free healthcare for the public and we cut down on elective surgery very quickly to accommodate possible admissions. Being the referral hospital, we made the news. Interviewing for the camera is a stressful experience!

Even now we are waiting for more waves of covid-19 and as a unit we are even more ready. Australian doctors have the spirit of getting together in tough times and as a hospital it was amazing to see everyone band together and help out. Even the government support was surprising but at the end of the day it’s a lucky country I work in.
