




I. —Buddhism in Japan.

RELIGION is man's chiefest concern. Properly understood, a man without a religion is unthinkable. In this strange existence where our wishes are so much more than our faculties, and our hopes exceed all that the world does or can give, something must be done to remove these incongruities, in our thought at least, if not in our actions as well. Indeed we often hear some say that they are " men of no religion ". By that they simply mean that they do not sign their names to any distinct set of dogmas, own no order of priests as their guides, and pay no homage to any wooden or metallic or psychic image as their god. But a religion they nevertheless have. The Inscrutable within them is tamed in some way, be it by Mammon-Worship or Whiskey-Oblations or some other soporific or sedative method of his own choosing. A man's religion is his own explanation of life ; and some explanation of it is an absolute necessity for his wellbeing in this world of strifes.

【翻訳案】宗教というものは、人間にとって最大の関心事です。厳密に言えば、宗教なき人間というのは考えられません。私たちは、自己の能力を遥かに超えたことを願います。また、私たちは、世界がしてくれることや与えてくれることを遥かに超える大きな望みを持つものです。そういう奇妙な存在において、前述の[現実と願望の間にある]不整合を解消するために、何らかの対処をしなくてはならないのです。 行為としての対処ができなくても、少なくとも思考においては対処せねばなりません。確かに「無宗教者」を自称する人をよく見かけます。いかなる教義をも承服せず、聖職者を自分たちの師として崇めることもなく、また木や金属で作られた、あるいは空想的なものも含めて、神のイメージを尊崇することはない…単にそのような姿勢を示すために、彼らは無宗教者を自称します。それでもやはり、彼らのような人も宗教を持っているのです。彼らのうちには得体の知れないものが染み付いています。それは例えば金銭への崇拝であったり、ウィスキーへの献身であったり、あるいは自らが選択した他の甘美な方法やリラックスできるような方法と結びついています。人にとって宗教は自身の人生の説明となるものです。それらの説明のうちいくつかは、争いの絶えないこの世界で自己の幸福を追求する際に必要となる、絶対的なものなのです。

Then that all-important question of death, the hope of the poor and the dread of the rich - that is the question of all questions. Where death is, religion must be ;- a sure sign of our weakness it may be, but withal also of our noble birth, and of deathlessness within us. Not to die by dying,—that is what all the sons of Adam yearn after, and we Japanese no less than the Hebrews or the Hindoos of famed religiosity.  And for twenty-five centuries before we heard of any thing about Resurrection, we have managed to die in some fashion, some of us in very creditable fashion, thanks for all the good religions we have had. With this beautiful land as our earthly home, with cherry blossoms to adorn our joyous spring, and maples to paint our serene autumn, and peaceful domesticity as our lot in life, existence has been a burden to us only very seldom, and death has been grievous unto us so much the more. With our desire to live " a thousand and eight thousand years," the thought of death was a double pain, to be alleviated only by a faith that could introduce us into a still better land, be it a saints' home in Shinto heaven, or a lotus garden in Buddhist paradise. We feared death not so much from our cowardice as from our attachment to this beautiful land of ours. Religions we needed to resign ourselves when fate or duty called us from the beloved land of our birth.

(※)a thousand and eight thousand years:1,000と8,000年=千代に八千代に

The Japanese has a religion of his own, which in all probability he brought with him from his home in Central Asia. What the exact nature of that religion originally was is not easy to tell. Its similarity to the Mosaic Faith has been recently pointed out, and another attempt was made to find in us the Lost Ten Tribes of the Jewish record. But whatever it had been, the time came when it was superseded and eclipsed by a very much more complex, and, may we say, refined faith of Indian origin. We can easily imagine the effect of the Hindoo faith as it first made its way among Japanese. Its gorgeous ceremonies, high mysticisms, and speculations bold and labyrinthine, must have struck the simple-hearted people with wonder. It satisfied the eyes of the ignorant, whetted the intellect of the learned, and served the purpose of the ruler. Not-withstanding some patriotic opposition against the wholesale importation of an exotic faith, the Hindoo religion spread in Japan with gigantic strides. For a time at least, the ancient faith was placed wholly in the background, and the reigned supreme for centuries in succession.


The date of the introduction of Buddhism into Japan is the thirteenth year
of the reign of Kinmei, the twenty-ninth emperor, which we make to be 551 of the Christian era, or " 1501 year after Buddha's entrance into Nirvana, " as Buddhist chronologists like to have it. The great temple of Tenwoji was built as early as 587 A.D. at Naniwa (Osaka) by Shotoku Taishi, the wisest prince the country has had, and " the father of Japanese Buddhism.'' The next century (seventh) saw active proselyting going on throughout the empire, the emperors themselves taking the initiatives in the work. About this time there was a great revival of Buddhism in China under the leadership of Hiuen Chwang, that famous priest of the Tau dynasty, whose adventurous journey to India was so vividly described by Barthélemy St. Hilaire ; and scholars were sent from Japan across the water to study under the man who had sought the faith in the land of its birth. The emperors of the Nara dynasty (708-769) were all strong supporters of Buddhism, and the mighty temples that still adorn the ancient capital of the same name witness to the power attained by the new religion so soon after its introduction into the land.


But the new enthusiasm reached its acme, when by the beginning of the ninth cent{u}ry, two Buddhist scholars, Saijo and Kūkai returned from their study in China, each with a sect of his choosing. The emperor Kammu who removed the capital from Nara to Kyoto gave each a conspicuous site for temple-building, and endowments and privileges affixed there-to. Saijo built Eizan lying to the north-east of the new capital, the direction from which all evils were thought to come. Kūkai posted himself at Koya in the province of Kii, but had a temple-site given him in the south end of the capital, the famed Toji with its peering pagoda right south of the railway station being his own establishment. With Eizan founded in 787, and Koya in 816 A.D., we may say that Japanese Buddhism had rooted itself firmly in the native soil. No competition with it by any other faith was possible, and no wonder that its founders thought that its foundations were immovably laid as the mountains on which they builded.


Thus in the beginning of the ninth century we find the so-called "eight sects of Buddhism"* firmly established in the land. For four centuries after the death of Kūkai we hear nothing about the introduction or formation of any new sect in Japan. The "eight" grew on in power and influence, Saijō's (Tendai) leading all the rest. And here as else-where assumption of power by spiritual bodies brought in all the attending corruptions. Soon the priesthood became emperors of emperors, so much so that one of the latter expressed the annoyance due to his priest-subjects by the well-known saying, "Two things are beyond the power of my control : the water of the Kamo and mountain-priests." Emperor after emperor, and noble after noble vied with on another in building, endowing, and embellishing temples of their particular devotion; and the large city of Kyōto and its suburbs, with their magnificient(※) religious structures, --porches, pagodas, hexagons, bell-houses,--are one huge monument of the faith that once flourished among us.
* For those who may not yet be familiar with them, we might just as well mention them here. They are (1) Sanron (三論), (2) Hosho (法相), (3) Kegon (華厳), (4) Ritsu (律), (5) Jōjitsu (成実), (6) Gusha (倶舎), (7) Tendai (天台), and (8) Shingon (真言).

*詳しくない方のための参考として:八宗とは、(1)三論, (2)法相, (3)華厳, (4) 律, (5)成実, (6)倶舎, (7)天台, (8)真言 の8つを指します。

Near the close of the twelfth century, a pacific settlement of the country after long internecine wars gave rise to a new activity in religious thought. The great Yoritomo crippled the temporal power of the priests, but showed them due respect as the people's spiritual guides ; and the result was the rise of many great teachers honourable for their learning and virtue. The Hojos who succeeded him were most of them faithful devotees of Buddhism.
Tired with the pomp and vain-gloriousness of the then existing sects, they caused the Zen or meditative school of Buddhism to be introduced from China (1200), and several great temples were built, in Kyoto, Kamakura, and Echizen, to perpetuate the new form of worship in the land. The new became a favorite faith with the upper and intellectual classes, its esoterism and endless metaphysics standing in strong contrast to the ceremonial shows of the older sects. --The populace too needed a faith other than the high intellectualities of the Zen philosophy, or the unapproachable sublimities of the older cults. And such a faith was furnished them by a priest called Genku
(Saint Honen), who, about 1207 A.D. introduced among them what has since
been called the Jōdo or "pure-land" sect. It taught above all other things, the possibility of entrance into the Pure-Land merely by calling upon the name of Buddha, and hence was otherwise called Nen-Butzu or Call-on-Buddha sect. The simple "Nam-Amida-Butsu" (I commit myself to thee O thou Amitabha Buddha) was set to music on the hand-bell and ; the whole uttered with plaintive voice and often attended with a dance gave entirely new features to, thus far, a very august form of belief. A branch of this was the Shin sect, started at about the same time by a priest named Hanyen (Saint Shinran), destined to eclipse all other sects by the influence it was to have over the mass of the people. The very novel feature of this sect was the removal of the vows of chastity from the priest-class, and considerable leniency thus afforded to their free indulgence in the common joys of life. Buddhism thus vulgarized, its approach to the commonality was greatly facilitated ; and now without any imperial authority to forward its propagation, it began to be a power among the people,—a matter of very great consequence to the ages that followed. The addition of one more branch, that of Jishu, to the Nen-Butsu sect completed the development of the exoteric school of Buddhism in Japan, the three coming to be adopted by the people almost simultaneously with one another, and with the esoteric Zen school which invaded the cultured society of the time. The country was to have one more sect,-- twelve in all,-- immediately following the last we have mentioned. We may say therefore that the thirteenth century was the last and greatest formative period of Japanese Buddhism. The century was really the reformative era of the Hindoo faith in Japan. No such lights as we saw then have appeared since, and we of this century still hang upon the words then uttered with all the conviction of the age. Here, as elsewhere, enthusiasm disappeared together with superstition, and we, afraid of being nonscientific, are cowardly creatures, basing our actions wholly upon the seeable, and upon the faint echoes of the time when men were sincere without our knowledge, and heroic without our crowding cares. Let us call up a hero then to shame lie in our vaunted faith, and in our love of ignoble ease when heaven and earth are calling us to nobler deeds and sacrifice.

