

II.—Birth and Consecretion.

On a spring day of the 1st year of Teiwo (1222), as the sun rose above the billowy horizon, and the easternmost outpost of Earth's nations caught its first rosy rays, a child was born to a fisher's family in the village of Kominato (Little Haven) near the easternmost cape of the province of Awa. The father was a fugitive there for some political reasons, now a poor fisherman without any outward distinction ; and the mother, also, of no mean birth, a devout worshipper of the Sun-god, of whom the gift of a son had long been asked, and now granted in answer to her prayers. They named him Zen-Nichi-Maro (Good-Sun-Boy) in pious commemoration of the deity who called him into being, -a fact which had considerable to do when the child came to decide his mission to this world, as we shall see afterward. All the wonders and miracles which are reported to have attended his birth,— how a crystalline spring spontaneously gushed forth in the fisher's garden " to wash natal uncleanliness away," how a white lotus of unusual magnitude, entirely out of season, opened near by "to cast fragrance into the air," etc., we of this century are accustomed to ascribe to the devout imaginations of the time. But the date of his birth is worth particular mention here, as it was a point much ruminated upon by the young enthusiast as the awful question of his country's salvation afterward came before his mind. The year was the 2171st after Buddha's entrance into the Nirvana; that is. after the first " millenium of the right law" (正法千年) had ended, and the second " miilenium of the
image-law" (像法千年) had also spent itself, .and the third and last "miilenium  of the latter law" (末法千年) had just been ushered in ; when as was prophesied by the Great Teacher, a light was expected to appear to the east of him to shine the darkness of the last days. The day was the 16th of the second month (according to the lunar calendar), a day after the same great event in Buddha's life, which was on the 15th of the same month. Correspondences such as these were of immense importance to a mind like our hero's.

(※1)Little heavenって何?天津を直訳した?

When he came to be twelve years old, the pious inclination of his parents decided upon his being made a priest. Considering what he did in after-years, we can well believe many stories told about his remarkable childhood ; and we do not wonder if the paternal ambition of the fugitive-fisherman saw in his son's consecration to a priestly office an opportunity for the lad's rise in society, as in that age of rigid social distinctions, religion was the only way open for a low-born genius to show itself in the world. Not far from the place where he was born, was a temple, Kiyozumi by name, and its abbott Dozen had local reputation for his learning and virtue. There the boy Zennichi was taken, and entrusted to the care of the benignant teacher who seems to have taken special delight in the youth. Passing his novitiate of four years, he was formally consecrated a priest at the age of sixteen under the new name of Rencho ; and already the good abbott, watching the unusual ability of his young disciple, was beginning to think of nominating him as his possible successor in his office. The youth remained his parents' hope, and the pride of his teacher, when behind all outward appearances struggles were going on in his mind, which drove him at last from the region of his birth, to seek enlightenment throughout the country.

