

III.—In and Out of Darkness.

He was fairly introduced into the elementary knowledge of Buddhism when several questions presented themselves to his mind for solution. The most apparent was the existence of multitudinous sects in Buddhism. "Why is it" he asked to himself, "that Buddhism which had its origin in the life and teaching of one man is now divided into so many sects and divisions ? Is Buddhism more than one ? What means that which I see around me, that one sect speaks evil of all others, each maintaining that it has Buddha's true mind? The waters of the sea have the same taste, and there can be no two ways in the teachings of Buddha. Oh wherein lies the explanation of this division into sects; and which among these sects is Buddha's way, the way I should walk in? "

【翻訳案】仏教の基礎的な知識を学んだ際、蓮長の心の中には解決すべき問題がいくつか生じました。その中で最たるものは、仏教に数多くの宗派が存在することです。「なぜ?」彼は自問します。「ただ一人の人生と教えを基盤とする仏教が、今や多くの宗派に分立している。これはなぜなのか? 仏教は1つではないのか? 周囲の人びとは、互いに他宗を悪く言い、しかもそれぞれがブッダの真意を説いていると言っている。これは何を意味するのか? 大海の水はどこも等しく同じ味がするではないか。[それと同様に]ブッダの教えが2つあるというのはおかしい。ああ…この分立した現状への説明はどこにあるのだろうか? そして、これらの宗派の中でどれがブッダの道なのだろうか? どれが私が歩むべき道なのだろうか?」と。

Such was his first and greatest doubt, an entirely reasonable doubt, we believe. We also have similar doubt about Buddhism and some other religions, and we can entirety sympathize with our hero in the struggle he had. As neither his abbott nor anybody else relieved him from his doubt, he naturally resorted to his prayers. One day as he came from his worship at the temple of the Bodhisattwa of his special devotion, the burden within him became unbearable, and down he came to the ground with abundant hemorrhage from his mouth. His friends helped him up, and it was sometime before he returned to consciousness again. We are still pointed to the exact spot of this occurrence, a little bamboo bush near by with certain reddish tints in its leaves being supposed to have taken its colours from the blood that was spattered on that occasion. One evening, however, as his eyes were poring over the Nirvana Sutra, said to have been delivered by Buddha just before his entrance to that blessed state, the following caught the attention of the young priest, to the inexpressible relief of his troubled mind : 依法不依人, Trust in the Word and not in man. That is, he was not to trust in human
opinions, however plausible and high-sounding, but in the sutras as left by
the Great Teacher, and he was to decide all questions by them and them only. His mind was now at ease. He found something to stand upon, whereas thus far all had been sinking sand under him. Who, by reading the above account of the Japanese priest, is not reminded of a similar case in the convent of Erfurth four hundred years ago, when after much "loss of consciousness," etc., the young German monk found his rest in an old Latin Bible that caught his eyes, and clung to it ever afterward as his strongfold of faith and life ?


But in the case of the Buddhist priest, the question of the authoritative
scripture was not so simple a one as in that of the Christian Luther.
Whereas the German had a single Bible to rely upon, the Japanese had dozens, often of very contradictory natures, from which to make his selection of the canon of supreme authority. This, however, was a comparatively easy task in the age when the so-called Higher-Criticism was wholly unknown, and men put their simple trust upon the records of the ancients without questioning why and wherefore. It was enough for our hero
that he found that one of the sutras gave the chronological order of all the great sutras in both mahayana and hinayana. The order given was, beginning with the Avatamsaka Sutra, supposed to contain Buddha's first public utterances, (1) the Agamas (Kegon-Kyō), containing his teachings of the first twelve years of his ministry, (2) the Vaipulya Sutras (Agon Kyō) containing of those of the second sixteen years, (3) the Pragna Sutra (Hannya Kyō), of the third four- teen years, and (4) the Saddharma-Pundarika Sutra (Myō-Ho-Renge or Hokke Kyō), of the last eight years of  his life. Natural conclusions from this order were that the last-mentioned sutra contained the essence of the teaching of Buddha's whole life; or in the words of Nichiren, it had in it " the principle of all things, the truth of eternity, and the secret importance of Buddha's original state and of the virtue of his enlightenment." Hence its beautiful name of "the Sutra of the Lotus of the Mysterious Law." It is not in our purpose here to enter into a critical examination of the exact order of the Buddhist canons, or of the comparative value of one above others. I think it is fairly settled now that the sutra that Nichiren thought so much of was a later product, some 500 years after Buddha's death, and that the Amitartha Sutra that gives the order of the different canons here mentioned was written expressly for the purpose of giving authenticity and superlative authority to the new canon. But be these whatever they may, it only suffices us to know that our hero accepted them in the order here given, and found in Saddharma-Pundarika Sutra the standard of the Buddhist faith, and a clear
simple explanation of the all-comprehensibility of so many discordant views in Buddhism. As he came to this conclusion, the joy and gratitude within him
burst into abundant tears. "I," he finally said to himself, "I who left my father and mother, and gave myself to the service of this excellent faith,— should
I cling to the traditional teachings of common priests, and not seek the golden words of the Tathagata (Buddha) himself ?" He was twenty years old when the holy ambition rose in his mind. Seclusion in a country-monastery became no more possible. Bidding farewell to his abbott and order, he launched out boldly into the world, to seek the truth far and wide.

【翻訳案】しかし、仏教僧が経典の信頼性についての問題に対処するには困難が生じます。クリスチャンであるルターの場合と違って簡単にはいきません。ドイツ人[のクリスチャン]にとって聖書と言えばただ1つのものを根拠としますが、日本人[の仏教者]の場合、経典は何十冊にもなるのです。しかも、それぞれの経典の性質が互いに矛盾することもよくあります。そのため、蓮長はそれらの中から最も権威ある経典を選択する必要がありました。とはいえ、高等批評が全く知られていない当時において、この選択は比較的容易でした。当時の人びとは「なぜそうなのか? どのようしてそうなるのか?」といった疑問を抱くことなく、古代の記録の内容をそのまま信じれば良かったからです。大乗と小乗における経典についての時系列的な順序が、ある経典の中に記載されていました。我らが主人公[蓮長]にとっては、それを発見できたことで十分でした。その順序(※1)は、ブッダの最初の公的な発言が含まれると考えられるアヴァタムサカ経に始まり、以降は次の通りとなります。(1)アーガマ(華厳経)--ブッダの教えのうち、最初の12年に相当。(2)ヴァイプリヤ経(阿含経)--第2の16年に相当。(3)プラ{ジュ}ニャ経(般若経)--第3の14年間に相当。(4)サダルマプンダリーカ経(妙法蓮華経つまり法華経)--ブッダ最期の8年間に相当。以上の順序から得られる自然な結論は「最後に説かれた経典に、ブッダの生涯における教えの本質が含まれる」ということです。すなわち、日蓮の言葉によれば「一切の原理、永遠の真理、そしてブッダ本来のあり方と悟りの功徳の甚深なる秘密」が含まれている、となります。だからこそ、「不思議な法が咲き誇る蓮華の経典※2」という美しい名前がついているのです。ここで仏典[の成立時期]についての順序や仏典同士の価値を[高等]批評的に比較検証することは、私たちの目的ではありません。日蓮が重要と考えていた経典[法華経]はブッダの死から500年ほど後に成立したとされています。また、新しい経典に最高の権威を与えることを目的として、阿弥陀経には前述と異なる経典の序列が説かれています。このようなことは、[現在の文献学的には]明確に確定していると私自身は考えています。しかし、そのことは問題ではありません。我らの主人公[蓮長]が、経典に説かれた通りの順序を受け入れて妙法蓮華経を仏教徒の基準とすることで、仏教に数多あるバラバラな教説に対して単純にして明快な説明を見出したことが重要なのです。蓮長がこの結論に至った時、彼の胸中は歓喜と感謝の気持ちでいっぱいになり、とめどなく涙があふれ出てきました。「私は…」蓮長は自分自身に語りかけます。「父母を捨ててこの優れた信仰に身を捧げた私は…このまま僧侶たちによる伝統的な教えにしがみついていて良いのだろうか?如来(ブッダ)自身の御金言をこそ求めるべきではないのか?」と。蓮長の心に神聖な願望が生じたのは彼が20歳の時でした。もはや、片田舎の寺院で静かに暮らすことは不可能となったのです。どこまでも広く真理を求める彼は、師匠と教団に別れを告げ、果敢にも故郷から世界[全国]へ打って出たのです。
(※2)the Sutra of the Lotus of the Mysterious Law:この美しさをどう表現したら良いものか。とりあえずこのように訳出した。ご意見求む。

His first destination was Kamakura, the Shogun's capital of the time. A country-priest in the metropolis, —a Luther in Rome,—strange phenomena met his eyes, and strange doctrines reached his ears. With the magnificence of its temple-structures and the pomp of its priest-classes, the city was given up wholly to falsities. The Zen sect leading the high, and the Jodo sect the low, the former into quagmires of futile speculation, and the latter into a delirium of blind trust in Amitabha, Buddha's Buddhism was not to be found anywhere. Yea more, he saw Buddha's very images given to children for toys, and Amitabha of only fabulous existence was given the supreme position in what they called Buddhist worship ! Men clad in holy garb vaunted themselves in their open shame. Salvation, they taught, consisted only in calling upon the name of Amitabha, and not in acts of virtue and discipline ; and so amidst the din of Nam-Amida-Butsu, licentiousness of the grossest kind prevailed among the people. During his five years' stay in Kamakura, he saw enough to convince him of the presence of the Latter Days already in the world, and the need and opportunity of a new faith to bring in a new era of light, as foretold by the Worshipful in his Holy Sutra. Only but recently, Saint Daia, an object of universal adoration, had died a death, which sent horrors to all his followers. His body " shrivelled up into the smallness of a child," and the color of his skin into " changed pitchy darkness,"—unmistakable signs of his fall into Hell, and evidences of the diabolical nature of the faith he represented. Then, too, what do those monstrosities in the sky signify ? Three aerial forms, white and red, hung clear against the western sky, and when the two white disappeared, the red remained "as a pillar of fire piercing through the zenith." The whole was succeeded by a violent earthquake bringing down many temples to the ground, and men and beasts groaned under the debris of the structures intended for their salvation. "All because the true sutra is not preached in the land, and errors are taught and believed in. Am not I he of eternal appointment to revive the Faith in the land?" ............... With thoughts such as these, Rencho left Kamakura behind him, wisely remarking that "the capital of a country is a place for disseminating the truth, and not for learning it."


After a short visit to his parents, he set out for further search after knowledge. Eizan towering in the direction of Kimon (Devil's Gate) from Kyoto to ward all evil influences from off the Mikado's capital, has for the last one thousand years been the chief repository of Buddhist learning in Japan. There twenty-five hundred feet above the sea-level, encompassed by tall cryptomeria forests, and with a magnificent view of the placid Biwa Lake below, the ways of Sakya were searched into, contemplated, and transmitted. In its days of prosperity, the whole mountain must have worn the aspect of a bustling colony, harbouring, as it did, an army of mendicants three thousand strong, a dread of the populace as well as of the emperors. It was here that Genku and formulated his exoteric school of Buddhism so contrary to the tenets taught in the mountain, and had it afterward so widely adopted by the people. His disciple Hanyen, the founder of the Shin sect, was also a student here, as were also many others who had had national reputations for their attainment in the secret laws of the Faith. And now our Rencho, ambitious of the propagation of genuine Buddhism in Japan, came four hundred miles on his feet from his fisher's hut in the province of Awa, to seek enlightenment in the same mountain.


With the new opportunities for investigation here afforded, Rencho took in with avidity all that he could lay his hands upon. But his speciality was Saddharma Pundarika Sutra,—his Sutra,— of which valuable manuscripts and commentaries were accessible in the mountain. Indeed, the Tendai sect of which Eizan was the centre, made a great deal of this Sutra. What are called "the sixty volumes" of the sect are so many commentaries upon this one book. Such a wonderful book is it that Tendai, the Chinese founder of the sect, wrote thirty volumes upon it ; and one of his disciples, Myōgaku, finding that the master's commentaries still needed commentaries, wrote another thirty volumes upon the first thirty volumes. Ten of these volumes treat separately of each of the six Chinese hieroglyphics that compose the name of the Sutra! So deep to the ancient did appear the meaning of the book which to us appears as nothing very extraordinary.—For ten long years, Rencho stayed in Eizan, delving into these intricacies. We can only give the conclusions he came to. He was now thoroughly convinced of the view he had entertained of the superiority of the Pundarika Sutra above all the other Sutras; of its introduction into Japan in its pure form by Saijō, the founder of Eizan, and of considerable vitiations introduced thereto by priests who came after him. Often to Kyōto, and once to Nara and Kōya, he carried his researches, to establish him further in his conviction; and when no more doubting was possible, he was ready to lay down his life for the Sutra. Once he saw with his own eyes all the principal deities of the land coming to promise protection to him ; and as they vanished in the air, a divine chorus was heard in the sky, saying, "Shi-nin-gyo-seken, no-metsu-shujo-an" (this man will go round the world, and destroy the darkness that is in men). He was not the only mystic, however, who has had similar visions and visitations.

【翻訳案】叡山での修学の機会を得た蓮長は、手に入るもの全てに対して熱心に取り組みました。彼の専門は法華経--彼の経--です。ここでは法華経の貴重な写本や注釈書に当たることができたのです。実際、叡山が総本山となる天台宗は、法華経に多大な注力をしてきました。天台宗の「六十巻」と呼ばれるものは、この一冊の法華経に膨大な注釈をほどこしたものです。このような素晴らしい本は、中国天台宗の開祖である天台[大師]が法華経を30巻にわたって注釈したものです。さらに、天台の弟子である妙楽は、師の注釈にもまた注釈が必要であることを見出し、師の30巻とは別に30巻の注釈書を残したのです。これらのうち10巻分は、この経の名称を構成する6個の漢字(※)について、それぞれ別個に取り扱っているのです!私たちにとって特別な意味を持つと思われないこの本ですが、当時の人々にとっては甚深の意味があったのです。こうして蓮長は10年という長期間にわたって叡山にとどまり、これらの複雑な教理を追求していったのです。[このころの記録が乏しいため、]現代の我々にできるのは、彼が到達した結論を示すことだけです。法華経は叡山を開いた最澄によって純粋な形で伝えられましたが、後の僧侶の教説によって大いに歪められてきました。その中で蓮長は、法華経が他の一切の経典に優越するという観点[の正しさ]をはっきりと確信するに至ったのです。彼はその確信をより一層深めるため、京都には数度、高野山と奈良にはそれぞれ1度、足を伸ばして研究を続けました。そして、もはや疑いようがなくなった時に、蓮長は自分の命を法華経のために命を捨てる覚悟を決めたのです。彼はかつて、この地の主な神々が自分の守護を誓っているのを目にしました。そして神々が空中に消えた時に、空から神々の合唱が聞こえてきたのです。「斯人行世間 能滅衆生闇(この人は世を渡り歩き、人びとの闇を滅尽するのだ)」と。似たようなものを見たり啓示を受ける人はいるのですが、蓮長はただの神秘主義者ではありませんでした。

He was now thirty-two years of age, friendless, unknown, yet independent and indomitable. He had no ancestral line-age to lay his claim upon, as had Hanyen of the Shin Sect. He was a fisherman's son, "a shudra of the sea-coast," as he afterward called himself. Neither was his study prosecuted in a foreign land, as were those of Saijō, Kūkai, and other eminent "theologians,"—a matter of prime importance, then, as now, of being accepted by Japanese as a holder of a key to the secret of any branch of knowledge. Patronage of any kind he had absolutely none; much less, imperial patronage, as had most other sect-founders in abundance. He alone began single-handed, against powers of all kinds, with a view wholly at variance with those of the influential sects of the day. He is the only case, as far as we know, of Japaense Buddhists, who, without any example to follow after, stood for a Sutra and a Law with his life in his hand. His life is interesting not so much for the doctrinal views he maintained and promulgated, as for the brave way in which he upheld them. Religious persecution in its true sense began in Japan with Nichiren.

