暁法律事務所 指宿昭一弁護士について / Review of Akatsuki Law Firm, Attorney Shoichi Ibusuki

*指宿昭一弁護士に弁護士費用/料金について嘘をつかれた/ Dishonest about Fees, Unprofessional Conduct*

English follows Japanese. 英語が日本語に続きます。
犯罪被害に遭った後に指宿弁護士を雇って示談交渉に当たったが、指宿弁護士は相手側の弁護士との面会中に相手側と何を話したかを当事者のこちらへ言い渋り、こちらの質問をのらりくらりと無視し続けた。こちらの要望を加害者側と交渉したのかと聞いても、「言っても理解できないだろうから言わない」と言われた。和解契約の条項について交渉したかったが、指宿弁護士は往々にしてお金の話にだけ反応し、和解条項等についてのこちらからのコミュニケーションは頻繁に無視された。例えば、こちらが「このような文面を和解条項として入れたい」と連絡しても、「X万はどうか。弁護士 指宿昭一」という趣旨の返事が来る。指宿弁護士からのメールは数文字だけで、返信自体も数週間に渡って放置され、和解条項の文面等金銭以外の話を頻繁に無視され続けた。ストレスが溜まる数カ月を経て、交渉は弁護士同士が1回会っただけで行き詰まった。この時点で賠償金について話し合う段階にすら至らなかった。







*Dishonest about Fees, Unprofessional Conduct*
I hired Attorney Ibusuki after I became a victim of a crime in Japan. He was engaged to negotiate terms of the settlement. He met up with lawyers from the other side, but frequently refused to tell me what he said to the other side and was unresponsive and evasive. When asked whether he had negotiated my requests with the offender, he responded with comments like "even if I tell you, you won't understand, so I won't tell you". This went on for several months. I wanted to negotiate the clauses contained in the settlement agreement. Ibusuki frequently responded selectively only to emails involving talk of monetary compensation and ignored the other matters that I communicated to him, such as the clauses of the settlement. After several extremely frustrating months, the negotiation became stalled only after one meeting with the lawyer on the side and with no results. The process didn't even get to the part where financial sums are discussed.

I attempted to hold a meeting with Ibusuki to talk about this situation, however, I was shocked because when I emailed him to set up a time, he sent me an aggressively toned threat in an email saying that although the negotiation was unsuccessful, he can charge me (and not the other side) for the potential amount of profit he would have earned, had the unsuccessful negotiation been successful, if he wanted to. He then broke off all communication, ignoring all emails and calls from me.

I called the Tokyo Bar. The Tokyo Bar said Ibusuki was acting dishonorably by 1) falsely claiming he can charge "phantom profit payouts" for an unsuccessful negotiation with no monetary payout, and 2) refusing to discuss the fees in a transparent manner with me, when it is explicitly stated in our contract to "hold meetings to discuss any issues related to fees when the relationship is terminated". The Bar called Ibusuki to issue a warning; however, Ibusuki ignored the Bar. The Bar then recommended I initiate a complaint against Ibusuki so that other lawyers at the Bar can grill him on his conduct.

I believe Ibusuki became too comfortable with dealing with foreigners who face language barriers, and are often unable to realize it or call out the Japanese lawyer when there is misconduct in Japanese. Victims also face hurdles to moving the disciplinary process forward due to language or health related issues, or they often leave Japan, so he thinks he will face little consequences. I trusted Ibusuki with my case, and he broke my trust. At the time, I was receiving medical care from the trauma of the crime, which Ibusuki knew. He knows the rules because he is a lawyer, yet he still broke the rules.

Ibusuki acted unprofessionally, both during the engagement, and at the end when he lied about the fees that he can charge. I was re-victimized in Japan twice, first by the crime itself and second time by the lawyer. My trust in Japanese lawyers was broken, and I had to take a break for several months, which delayed my case. Eventually, I retained another lawyer who was more professional and honest, and my case was resolved. It has been several years, and I still feel anger rising when I recall the shock of seeing his email that lied about fees. I do not recommend Ibusuki to anyone.
