



少なくとも25年前にはなかった現象だ。 今となっては、外で水道水を飲む人の方が少ない。



それこそトイレでも。 日本の水が飲み水として安全であるとわかっていても、日本人は水を買う。


一昔前、水と安全と、酸素はタダと教えられた。 今や、水も安全も有料化してきた。



この流れにのり、一気に事業を拡大した企業が四国にある。 一時期、前会社に投資してくれていた企業。

時代を見る目は鋭く、水がいけるとなると一気に、あるエリアの山麓に工場を建設した。 非常に大きな収益をあげていた。

生活やライフスタイルの変化は国でいうところの ディレギュレーションに等しい。 規制緩和により大きな変化がでた業界にはビジネスチャンスがうまれる。

当時お手伝いした、車の買取専門店「ガリバー」もそうだった。 ガソリンスタンド自由化により、大きな変化が生まれた。




今の外食経営者が、こぞって参入する均一居酒屋には参入しない。 一年後どうなるかがわかっているから。




時代を読み解き、如何に上りのエスカレーターに乗るか。 事業成功の近道です



English ↓

An eye on the times!

When did I start?

When did people start carrying around bottled mineral water?

This is a phenomenon that did not exist at least 25 years ago. Nowadays, fewer people drink tap water outside.

Japanese water is safe. Every time I go abroad, I think that water in Japan is safe.

I can get safe water for free anywhere I want to drink it, even in hotels and when I am out and about.

Even in toilets. Even though they know that Japanese water is safe for drinking, Japanese people still buy water.


A long time ago, we were taught that water, safety, and oxygen were free. Now, both water and safety have become chargeable.

The same is true for oxygen. Oxygen bars are popular, and people are demanding paid oxygen for beauty and health.

Free air is good enough to live on, though. Customers are demanding higher quality, paid-for products.

There is a company in Shikoku that has taken advantage of this trend and expanded its business at once. This is a company that invested in my former company for a period of time.

They had a keen eye for the times, and when water became available, they quickly built a factory at the foot of a mountain in a certain area. It was very profitable.

Changes in lifestyles and lifestyles are equivalent to deregulation in a country. The deregulation of life and lifestyle is equivalent to the deregulation of a country, and the industry that has undergone a major change will create a business opportunity.

The same was true for Gulliver, a car-buying specialty store I assisted at the time. The deregulation of gas stations brought about major changes.

Most of Gulliver's first franchisees were either gas stations or franchisees of a certain franchise.

The ability to read the trends of the times is very important in business.

Last week, I met with the president of a company that operates a chain of about 300 low-priced Chinese restaurants in Japan.

He is not going to enter the uniform izakaya (Japanese style pub) market, which is where all the current restaurant operators are entering. He knows what will happen a year from now.

He was able to decipher the future of the restaurant industry, and he was able to separate the businesses he is developing in Japan from those he is developing overseas.


For me, it is a very instructive time.

How to read the times and ride the escalator upward. It is a shortcut to business success!

Assentia Holdings Inc


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