
TrueNicks翻訳 「Super Nicks, Super Ratings?」

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 しかし驚くべきことに、最近40以上の出走馬のいる組み合わせで、スーパー・ニックスを見つけることが出来る。その一つ、現在の2歳牡馬チャンピオンでケンタッキーダービー最有力馬Shared Beliefは、父Candy Ride×母父Storm Catやそのその息子や孫がいる。Candy Rideの初年度産駒でありGⅠ馬達Evita Argentina(訳注:下屋敷牧場繋養)、Capt. Candyman Can、Sindy’s Candyによってもたらされたニックスは、現在2年目産駒でも4頭のGⅠ勝馬を50頭から出し、8.0%という極めて目立った数値を叩き出している。(訳注:ガリ×デイン以上のGⅠ勝輩出率。)

 父Awsome Again×母父Realaunchやその息子や娘の組み合わせは若干後塵を拝していおり、40頭中GⅠ勝馬3頭(7.5%)となっている。これは特に”トップ・ヘビー”ニックスだ。年度代表馬Ghostzapperやプリークネスステークス勝馬Oxbow、ハスケル招待ハンディキャップ勝馬Paynterの3頭はこのニックスから生まれた4頭のステークス勝馬中3頭を占める。(訳注:恐らく、ここでの”トップ・ヘビー”はいわゆるホームランバッター型と呼ばれるような大物を出すといこと)ちなみに、これらの成功例はTrueNicks格付けと注意深い全血統調査の結びつきの叡智を示している。(Key Ancestors Reportを通じて利用できる)(訳注:TrueNicksの提供している有料サービス)

 Ghostzapper・Oxbow・Paynterは2014年に全て種牡馬入りする。他の数多く生まれている組み合わせ父A.P.Indy×母父Mr. Prospector、103頭中5頭のGⅠ勝馬(4.9%)を輩出している。中には、年度代表馬Mineshaftも含まれている。種牡馬に関してはPulpitからもニックスが供給されている。Malibu Moon、Congrats、Flatter、2014年に初年度産駒が1歳となるGirolamoがいる。他のA.P.Indy系を含むスーパー・ニックスは、孫のTapit×母父Storm Catとその孫(TrueNicks評価B+)がある。62頭中3頭のGⅠ勝馬(4.8%)、その中に2歳チャンピオンHansenを含んでいる。

 More than Readyと母父Danehill息子産駒の牝馬(訳注:つまり、母父Flaying Spur)はスーパー・ニックスで、オーストラリア2歳チャンピオン(そして将来有望な種牡馬)Sebringを含む243頭中GⅠ勝馬5頭(2.1%)を輩出している。Danehill系牝馬における”デフォルト・オプション”として、このニックスは非常に張りのある22頭のステークス勝馬(9.1%)を輩出し、TrueNicks評価ではAとなる。
『デインヒル系牝馬の "デフォルト・オプション "であるこのニックは、ステークス勝ち馬22頭(9.1%)を輩出し、TrueNicksの評価はAである。』

 ならば、スーパー・ニックスは常に高い評価を得るのだろうか?答えは否だ。Swift Temper、Carriage Tail、InternallyflawlessなどGⅠ馬を輩出しているのにもかかわらず、父Giant’s Causeway×母父Seeking the Goldの組み合わせはD評価となっている。これはシステムの不備、あるいは相性の良くない組み合わせは実はGⅠ勝馬を輩出するのだろうか?最初に思い起こされるものは、TrueNicks評価は出走馬に対するステークス勝馬の割合に基づいており、父Giant’s Causeway×他母父の出走馬に対するステークス勝馬、他全ての種牡馬とSeeking the Gold牝馬配合した産駒のステークス勝馬割合と関係している。
 ステークス勝馬の生産に関して言えば、父Giant’s Causeway×母父Seeking the Goldはかなり高い基準を設定しており、このニックスではステークス勝馬率は6.9%だが、これは父Giant’s Causeway×他母父全て場合の9.5%を下回っており、Seeking the Gold牝馬が他種牡馬と配合された場合に達成できる数値とほとんど同等だ。(訳注:つまり、TrueNiks評価は特定の父×母父が①父×他の母父②他の父×母父を上回っている場合に高くなる)


 上記のすべては、父Giant’s Causeway×母父Seeking the Gold間の配合についてのTrueNiks報告書から推測された。(訳注:有料コンテンツ。父×母父を50$で分析してくれる。)レポートは性差のような興味深い事実を明らかにする。Giant’s Causewayは決して”フィリーサイアー”ではないが、Seeking the Gold牝馬との配合を見ると5頭の重賞勝馬中4頭が牝馬である。その中には3頭のGⅠ馬を含まれる。牝馬において、33頭中4頭のステークス勝馬と3頭のGⅠ勝馬を輩出している。従って、この組み合わせで生産された牡馬は期待外れだが、牝馬は注目に値する。








ディープインパクト×Storm Cat(頭数はNetkeiba、GⅠ馬にはStudy of Man含む)



ディープインパクト×Unbridled's Song



From time to time on this blog, we've looked at what we might call "super nicks," or crosses calculated on immediate ancestors (like, say, the sire and broodmare sire) that are particularly notable for the numbers and class of stakes winners they are providing. In the current era, none would surpass a cross we've considered in detail before, that of Galileo with Danehill mares (TrueNicks A+). The scoreboard for this particular nick shows both remarkable frequency and class, with 21 stakes winners from 120 starters (18%) and, at the highest level, eight group or grade I winners (6.7%).

Surprisingly, however, of recent crosses with 40 or more starters, we can find a couple of super nicks with even higher strike rates. One that's in the news through current champion 2-year-old male and Kentucky Derby (gr. I) hopeful Shared Belief is that of Candy Ride (TrueNicks) with mares by Storm Cat and his sons and grandsons. The nick provided Candy Ride's first-crop grade I winners Evita Argentina and Capt. Candyman Can, and with Sidney's Candy (TrueNicks) having come along in his second crop, the score now stands at four grade I winners from 50 starters for a pretty remarkable 8.0%.

The Awesome Again (TrueNicks) cross with mares by Relaunch and sons and grandsons (TrueNicks A) is only slightly behind, with three grade I winners from 40 starters (7.5%). This is a particularly "top-heavy" nick, as the grade I-winning trio—and what a trio, with Horse of the Year Ghostzapper (TrueNicks) joined by Preakness Stakes (gr. I) victor Oxbow (TrueNicks) and Haskell Invitational Stakes (gr. I) hero Paynter (TrueNicks)—comprises three of the four stakes winners bred on the cross. Incidentally, these successes also point out the wisdom of combining the TrueNicks rating with some careful whole pedigree research (which can be facilitated through the Key Ancestors Report), as Ghostzapper, Oxbow, and Paynter (the latter two are out of full siblings) also have other important similarities on the distaff side of their pedigrees. This underlines that sometimes, while the nick is very important, what is combined with it can also be a decisive factor.

Ghostzapper, Oxbow, and Paynter will all be at stud in the U.S. in 2014, and another prolific stallion-producing cross has been that of A.P. Indy with mares by Mr. Prospector (TrueNicks A), which boasts five grade I winners from 103 starters (4.9%), including the great stallion's only Horse of the Year, Mineshaft (TrueNicks). With regard to sires, the nick has also provided Pulpit, Malibu Moon (TrueNicks), Congrats (TrueNicks), and Flatter (TrueNicks), as well as Girolamo (TrueNicks), whose first crop are yearlings of 2014. Another super nick involving the A.P. Indy line is that of his grandson Tapit (TrueNicks) with mares by Storm Cat and grandsons (TrueNicks B+), with three grade I winners from 62 starters (4.8%), including champion 2-year-old Hansen.

Also a super nick and also with a champion 2-year-old to its credit is that of More Than Ready (TrueNicks) with mares by Danehill and sons, with Australian juvenile champion (and promising young sire) Sebring (TrueNicks) among its five group I winners from 243 starters (2.1%). As the "default option" for Danehill line mares, this nick has proved remarkably resilient with an overall total of 22 stakes winners (9.1%) and a TrueNicks rating of A.

So, do these super nicks always get super ratings? The answer is, no, not always. The cross of Giant's Causeway (TrueNicks) with mares by Seeking the Gold has a D rating by TrueNicks despite producing grade I winners Swift Temper, Carriage Trail, and Internallyflawless. Is this a failure of the system, or can a bad cross really produce three grade I winners? The first thing to recall is that the TrueNicks rating is based on percentage of stakes winners to starters on the cross, relative to the percentage of stakes winners to starters sired by Giant's Causeway out of all other mares, and the percentage of stakes winners to starters produced by the Seeking the Gold mares with runners by Giant's Causeway when they were bred to all other sires. As far as stakes production is concerned, Giant's Causeway and the Seeking the Gold mares set the bar pretty high, and although there are 6.9% stakes winners on the cross, this is inferior to the 9.5% stakes winners to starters sired by Giant's Causeway out of all other mares, and approximately equal to the figure achieved by the Seeking the Gold mares in the group when bred to all other sires.

There are a few deductions we can make here. Firstly, because of the quality of the individuals involved, the raw figure of 6.9% stakes winners to starters for the cross is far from an embarrassment, however, it is also only doing about 75% as well as it should relative to opportunity, an inefficient use of raw material. We can also note that, rather like the little girl with the curl, when the cross is good it's "very good indeed" and when it's not... In fact, not untypically for crosses involving high quality material but relatively low affinity, when it does work it can work very well, but it really doesn't work that often. Here that is evidenced by the fact that while there are three grade I winners on the cross, there are only five total stakes winners and eight total stakes horses, so when the cross misses, it tends to miss by a mile (at times we do also see the reverse, a relatively high-proportion of stakes winners, but a shortage of quality, perhaps indicating a consistent, but modest, positive affinity).

All of the above can be deduced from a look at the TrueNicks Enhanced Report for a mating between Giant's Causeway and a Seeking the Gold mare (view report), and the report reveals something else of interest—a marked sex bias. Giant's Causeway is by no means just a "filly sire," but when we look at the cross with Seeking the Gold mares, we see that four of the five stakes winners on the cross are females, including all three grade I winners. For distaffers, the cross has produced four stakes winners and three grade I winners from 33 starters. Thus, while the colts bred this way are disappointing, the fillies appear well worthy of attention.

The TrueNicks rating is and remains an important guide to sire line affinities, but as the foregoing shows, not all super nicks in terms of grade I production are high-percentage plays (or have high TrueNicks ratings), and not all high-percentage stakes-producing nicks are good sources of grade I runners. This is yet another reason why we continue to stress that the key to success with regard to the pedigree aspects of breeding and buying is to combine the best available data with intelligent interpretation.



