

Eliyahu Moshe Goldratt, also known as a business management guru, left an indelible mark on the business world through his innovative theories and approaches. He was the originator of several management techniques such as the Optimized Production Technique, the Theory of Constraints (TOC), the Thinking Processes, Drum-Buffer-Rope, Critical Chain Project Management (CCPM), and other TOC derived tools.

His groundbreaking ideas were focused on modeling business processes as resource flows and identifying the constraints that limit total system throughput. In his famous book, The Goal, he illustrated his approach through the story of a manager in charge of a manufacturing operation. The book revolves around identifying the current limiting constraint and finding ways to raise it, followed by finding out the next limiting constraint. His stories also emphasized the importance of excess capacity at non-critical points, which ensured the constant operation of the constrained resource.

Goldratt's Theory of Constraints (TOC) is a management paradigm that views any manageable system as being limited in achieving more of its goals by a very small number of constraints. He believed that there is always at least one constraint and that restructuring the organization around it could help organizations achieve their goals. Goldratt's common idiom, "a chain is no stronger than its weakest link," highlights the vulnerability of organizations and processes because the weakest person or part can always damage or break them or adversely affect the outcome.

Goldratt's The Goal, a management-oriented novel co-written with Jeff Cox, was originally published in 1984 and has since been revised and republished. The book illustrates the theory of constraints and bottlenecks and how to alleviate them through a case study in operations management. The book has been recognized as one of the 25 most influential business management books by Time Magazine.

Goldratt's Critical Chain Project Management (CCPM) is a project planning and management method that emphasizes the resources required to execute project tasks. Unlike traditional methods that focus on task order and rigid scheduling, CCPM strives to keep resources leveled and requires them to be flexible in start times. Goldratt's innovative approach has helped many organizations achieve their goals and inspired generations of managers and business leaders.





