The Influence of Alfred Thayer Mahan's "The Influence of Sea Power upon History"

The Influence of Alfred Thayer Mahan's "The Influence of Sea Power upon History"


Published in 1890, Alfred Thayer Mahan's "The Influence of Sea Power upon History" is a seminal work that has had a profound impact on naval strategy and geopolitics. In this essay, we will examine the book's main arguments, its influence on the development of naval power, and its relevance in the 21st century.

Mahan's Key Arguments

Mahan argues that sea power, which he defines as the ability to control the seas, is a key determinant of national prosperity and security. He supports this argument with a historical analysis of 16th to 19th century conflicts, demonstrating how nations with strong navies were able to dominate their rivals. Mahan identifies six elements of sea power: geographical position, physical conformation, extent of territory, population, character, and wealth. He argues that a nation's strength at sea depends on a combination of these factors.

Influence on Naval Development

Mahan's work had a significant impact on the development of naval power in the late 19th and early 20th centuries. His arguments for the importance of sea power convinced many policymakers to invest in large navies. The United States, Germany, and Japan were among the nations that built up their naval forces in response to Mahan's theories.

Relevance in the 21st Century

While Mahan's work was written over a century ago, its insights remain relevant in the 21st century. The sea still plays a vital role in global trade and transportation. Nations with strong navies are able to project power around the world and protect their interests. In an era of increasing globalization, sea power is likely to become even more important.


Mahan's "The Influence of Sea Power upon History" is a classic work of naval strategy that has had a profound impact on the world. His arguments for the importance of sea power are still relevant today, and his work continues to be read and studied by policymakers and scholars around the world.

