
Introducing Jose!

Hi, this is Noriko Mori from Akamai Technologies. 

Akamai employees are mainly talented employees in a variety of fields.
Regardless of gender, age, or nationality, we are a company that empowers every individual to achieve successful results and make their own goals into reality.

“People'' are the most important asset at Akamai. We ensure to create an environment where everyone can demonstrate their abilities.  In this article, we will highlight one of our “people inside” who helps Akamai move daily.

For the first introduction, we took the time and heard from “Jose,” who transferred from Florida, USA Akamai to our Tokyo Office in October 2023. Since Jose Japanese is very proficient, we held this interview in a mix of Japanese and English! 

Self Introduction

Noriko: To start off, can you briefly introduce yourself, Jose? 

Jose: Hello, I am Jose Vega Dominguez.
Since October of 2023, I have been working as a Senior Technical Solutions Architect at our Tokyo office. I joined Akamai in 2020 when Akamai acquired Asavie, where I was working at the time.

Until then, I had been engaging in the design, implementation, and management of complex network infrastructures across a wide range of industries.

My previous company, Asavie, developed and provided security solutions for mobile devices. Now, at Akamai, I leverage my previous experience to propose security solutions for 4G/5G mobile networks which are suitable for Akamai’s portfolio. 

Photo taken while exploring the Akamai office building

Noriko: From Asavie to Akamai. From Florida to Tokyo. Jose, you must the type of person that enjoys changing environments.

Jose: That’s right. I was born in Puerto Rico and raised in Florida. Possibly because I come from a diverse cultural background, I excel at building good relationships across cultures and teams.

Noriko: You have received awards and high praise from the company.

Jose: Yes, in 2022 I received the Akamai SE Technical Awards of the year for my integrated security proposals, which implemented a single common security overlay across all types of network transport (fiber optics, cables, 4G/5G, etc.). Additionally, in the same year, I was also selected as a finalist for an internal innovation company contest.

Snap shot of Jose working

From USA to Japan 

Noriko: Why did you decide to move to Japan? 

Jose: After completing a project with a mobile partner in North and South America, I started volunteering to support Akamai’s APJ career team. I was able to provide support thanks to the relationships I had built with customers and partners from my previous role. This led me to my current role now.

The countries within APAC were among the first to implement 5G technology. By doing so, they were able to increase their competitiveness in the global market. Akamai has a significant advantage in 5G due to its unparalleled scale of deployed infrastructure and distributed edge servers that are now a part of Akamai Connected Cloud (an integrated cloud platform from edge to core.)
I had the chance to discuss my career with my boss and when I explained the business opportunities in APJ, he was very understanding and supportive. I believe my relocation across countries was possible thanks to the support of many people within this company. I am very grateful for everyone.

Noriko: Akamai is a company that truly values the thoughts of its employees, right?

What do you like about Akamai?

Noriko: Jose, what are three things you like about Akamai?

Jose: 1st is all that Akamai has built over the past 25 years. The same for the tech, the platform that is deployed on the world’s largest scale. Through the CDN platform, we strive to improve the lives of billions of people around the world everyday, deliver better experiences, and solve complex business challenges.

2nd is the “One Akamai" philosophy. We move forward as “One Akamai,” leveraging the skills and perspectives of employees of diverse backgrounds to create custom-made solutions for our customers that put them first.

3rd is the flexible and wellness programs that Akamai provides its employees. No matter where you are, you will have an environment where you can successfully perform your role.  All while being able to take care of your mental and physical health.

Life in Japan

Noriko: How is life in Japan?

Jose: I am managing a lot of administrative task now, looking for a new home, and doing my daily work while keeping a good balance. For work, I get to meet customers right away and have impactful meetings. Which I find very rewarding. I was also able to meet up with my former colleagues and enjoy Tokyo’s diverse food scene.

Also, I was surprised at how quickly Japan became cashless and how popular it is! I really enjoy it!

I have come to Japan several times since 2009, although I was unable to visit during the corona pandemic, I am truly amazed at how much Japan has digitally transformed in the last 4 years.  Robots and QR codes (in menus, payments, etc) are now used in many places. Life has definitely become more convenient.

By the way, the view from the balcony of the apartment I am planning to move into is very similar to the view I had in Florida.

The view from my apartment balcony resembles my hometown in Florida.
My view in Florida was similar to this.

Noriko: Do you have any hobbies? 

Jose: I enjoy driving and traveling.

I love cars!
Vancouver Olympic Monument

Noriko: Where in Japan would you like to go?

Jose: Well, I just moved so I am looking forward to making a lot of travel plans! I am thinking now…

Hokkaido – Biei
Niigata – Snowboarding
Mt. Fuji – I plan on climbing next year
Mie – 2024 Suzuka F1 grand Prix
Tokyo – 2023 D1 Grand Prix 

Noriko: That much already!?

Noriko: What do you want to achieve in Japan?

Jose: Japanese carriers are building networks using the latest 5G standards, but it seems they are fully occupied with operating the networks. My goal is to educate these operators and help them monetize their network investments with add-on security and computing.

Final words

Noriko: Do you have anything else you’d like to share to end? 
Jose: My colleagues gave me a warm welcome during a company wide meeting the other day. I felt their excitement to collaborate with me. I am inspired by watching them work so diligently in their roles.

Additionally, at a recent career workshop, members from multiple teams came together as One Akamai to share why the attendees should choose Akamai.  I was a speaker and was happy to deliver greater value to our customers with our solutions. Lastly, I am excited to learn from my talented team members and gain from their experiences and knowledge. 

Noriko: Thank you for sharing that experience.

Jose is a digital native and a data lover.  During our interview, he spoke about a variety of experiences in his work and career while showing us his past presentation material he created. 
I am looking forward to what Jose accomplishes in his future!