★sunoAI - Sound to Song ★草原の香りの中、思わず居眠りしてしまいました

Music by NITE feat.Sound to Song via SunoAI ©NITE

sunoAI の新機能 Sound to Song を活用し、NITEオリジナル曲を使用して生成した数曲をBGMにしています♪

M1.Rise and Shine

Rise and Shine
Morning light breaks through the dark
A new day's chance to make your mark

Shake off the shadows of the night
Embrace the warmth, feel your might

Rise and shine, it's your time to glow
Let your spirit light the way to go
Every dawn's a brand new start
Rise and shine with hope in your heart

Face the world with open arms
Your brightness breaks through all alarms

Yesterday's gone, tomorrow's near
Rise up now, conquer your fear

Shine your light for all to see
The best version of who you can be
