★sunoAI - Sound to Song ★ [4K Lookbook] I adore how beautiful the fall colors are

Music by NITE feat.Sound to Song via SunoAI ©NITE

sunoAI の新機能 Sound to Song を活用し、NITEオリジナル曲を使用して生成した数曲をBGMにしています♪

M1.Monday Morning Blues(remaster)
M2.Monday Morning Blues(new version)

Monday Morning Blues

Beyond the edge of what I see
Infinite possibilities call to me

Each sunrise brings a brand new view
Horizons stretch, forever blue

Infinite horizons, endless skies above
No limits to my dreams, no bounds to what I love
Every step forward expands my sight
Infinite horizons, future burning bright

Mountains climb to touch the clouds
Breaking free from doubting crowds

Though the journey seems without end
Each horizon's a new friend

Embracing all that lies ahead
Infinite horizons where dreams are fed
