
Again, 堅く立つ

第二歴代誌 34:32 新改訳2011 彼はエルサレムとベニヤミンにいるすべてのものを堅く立たせた。エルサレムの住民は、その父祖の神である神の契約に従って行動した。

    • Leaving sendai

      leaving Sendai やることが山ほどあるbefore my leaving to Tokyo and then to Hk. thanks Jesus, asking Bethany to insist on helping the msg translation. and Li helps her to listen the message and assist the translation. i am the time marking, and rocky

      • Updates

        so er, regardless of the workload beforeleaving sendai, regardless of the preparation of taking flight to HK, regardless of any routine work, there was a coldcurrent going thru the Asia. yes includ8ng HK and Japan. windy and snowy weather,

        • 更新

          just a little updates too many things happened and need to to be done in dec, that you could only chase and complety]e one following with another one, and acutally not too much time for you to slow down to think and digest. for example, th


          如果不是去了日本的話,我應該不會這樣想吧? 家人世一! 都不是基督徒,更不用說同佢哋講咩係宣教了。 一再延期,話返香港,次次都返唔到。 今次講到實牙實齒,機票酒店都買齊 i thought becoz of omicron i thought becoz no church staff after mar i thought i need to support the Ami. not indeed. all these are not able to persuade



          ok, actually not everything is confirmed. i havent even contacted the airline and hotel for the cancellation procedure. just, just wanna record my feeling today, especially after reading the bible today, which GOD showed me again the word 「


          2021 上帝在浸禮週年送我的金句

          列王記上 8:26和合本 「以色列的上帝啊,求你成就向你僕人-我父大衛所應許的話。」 NIV 「And now, God of Israel, let your word that you promised your servant David my father come true.」. ESV therefore, O God of Israel, let your word be confirmed, which you have spoken to your ser

          2021 上帝在浸禮週年送我的金句