
サムアルトマンのインタビュー要約 GPT5, AGI, Soraについて




  • 2023年11月のOpenAI騒動(主にメンタル的なこと)

  • イーロンマスクの訴訟

  • Sora

  • GPT-4

  • Q*

  • GPT-5

  • 投資

  • Google

  • AGI(汎用人工知能)

  • エイリアン






Lex Fridman(00:10:57) The interesting thing that people probably don’t understand about OpenAI, I certainly don’t, is all the details of running the business. When they think about the board, given the drama, they think about you. They think about if you reach AGI or you reach some of these incredibly impactful products and you build them and deploy them, what’s the conversation with the board like? And they think, all right, what’s the right squad to have in that kind of situation to deliberate?

Sam Altman(00:11:25) Look, I think you definitely need some technical experts there. And then you need some people who are like, “How can we deploy this in a way that will help people in the world the most?” And people who have a very different perspective. I think a mistake that you or I might make is to think that only the technical understanding matters, and that’s definitely part of the conversation you want that board to have, but there’s a lot more about how that’s going to just impact society and people’s lives that you really want represented in there too.



  • 技術専門家と社会的視点のバランスの重要性: サムアルトマンは、技術専門家だけでなく、「この技術を世界で最も人々を助ける方法でどのように展開できるか」と考える人々、つまり技術的な側面だけでなく、社会的、倫理的な側面を考慮できる人々の重要性を強調しています。これは、AGIのような影響力のある技術がもたらす広範囲にわたる影響を考慮に入れ、バランスの取れた意思決定を行うために必要です。

  • 異なる視点の価値: 彼は、「非常に異なる視点を持つ人々も必要」と述べており、これは多様性を重視する姿勢を示しています。異なる背景、専門知識、経験を持つ人々を取り入れることで、より広範囲の可能性を探求し、予期せぬリスクや倫理的な問題を見落とすことなく、技術を社会に導入する最適な方法を模索できます。

  • 社会への影響を考慮した意思決定: サムアルトマンの言葉からは、技術の展開に際して、その社会への影響を深く考慮している姿勢が伺えます。彼は、AGIのような技術が人々の生活や社会全体に与える影響を、技術開発の段階から積極的に考慮し、より良い未来への貢献を目指していることを示唆しています。




  • 効率性の向上: サムアルトマンは、システムをリリースする前に、人々が期待するスケールで機能する効率性のレベルに達する必要があると述べています。これは、Soraが実際に広く使われるためには、その処理能力やレスポンス速度がユーザーの期待に応えられる程度に高まる必要があると考えているようです。

  • ディープフェイクや誤情報への対処: Soraや類似の技術が生み出す可能性のある問題、特にディープフェイクや誤情報といった問題への対策を講じることも重要です。サムアルトマンは、OpenAIが世界に提供するものについて慎重に考えており、新しい技術が悪用された場合に起こりうる負の影響を十分に理解し、対処する必要があると述べています。




Lex Fridman(00:39:22) Sure. What are the dangers? Why are you concerned about releasing the system? What are some possible dangers of this?

Sam Altman(00:39:29) I mean frankly speaking, one thing we have to do before releasing the system is just get it to work at a level of efficiency that will deliver the scale people are going to want from this so that I don’t want to downplay that. And there’s still a ton ton of work to do there. But you can imagine issues with deepfakes, misinformation. We try to be a thoughtful company about what we put out into the world and it doesn’t take much thought to think about the ways this can go badly.
Lex Fridman(00:40:05) There’s a lot of tough questions here, you’re dealing in a very tough space. Do you think training AI should be or is fair use under copyright law?

Sam Altman(00:40:14) I think the question behind that question is, do people who create valuable data deserve to have some way that they get compensated for use of it, and that I think the answer is yes. I don’t know yet what the answer is. People have proposed a lot of different things. We’ve tried some different models. But if I’m like an artist for example, A, I would like to be able to opt out of people generating art in my style. And B, if they do generate art in my style, I’d like to have some economic model associated with that.

Lex Fridman(00:40:46) Yeah, it’s that transition from CDs to Napster to Spotify. We have to figure out some kind of model.





Lex Fridman
If we just look on YouTube or something like this, how much of that will be using Sora like AI generated content, do you think, in the next five years?

Sam Altman
People talk about how many jobs is AI going to do in five years. The framework that people have is, what percentage of current jobs are just going to be totally replaced by some AI doing the job? The way I think about it is not what percent of jobs AI will do, but what percent of tasks will AI do on over one time horizon. So if you think of all of the five-second tasks in the economy, five minute tasks, the five-hour tasks, maybe even the five-day tasks, how many of those can AI do? I think that’s a way more interesting, impactful, important question than how many jobs AI can do because it is a tool that will work at increasing levels of sophistication and over longer and longer time horizons for more and more tasks and let people operate at a higher level of abstraction. So maybe people are way more efficient at the job they do. And at some point that’s not just a quantitative change, but it’s a qualitative one too about the kinds of problems you can keep in your head. I think that for videos on YouTube it’ll be the same. Many videos, maybe most of them, will use AI tools in the production, but they’ll still be fundamentally driven by a person thinking about it, putting it together, doing parts of it. Sort of directing and running it.




Lex Fridman
So allow me to ask, what’s been the most impressive capabilities of GPT-4 to you and GPT-4 Turbo?

Sam Altman(00:45:06) I think it kind of sucks.

Lex Fridman(00:45:08) Typical human also, gotten used to an awesome thing.
Sam Altman
(00:45:11) No, I think it is an amazing thing, but relative to where we need to get to and where I believe we will get to, at the time of GPT-3, people are like, “Oh, this is amazing. This is marvel of technology.” And it is, it was. But now we have GPT-4 and look at GPT-3 and you’re like, “That’s unimaginably horrible.” I expect that the delta between 5 and 4 will be the same as between 4 and 3 and I think it is our job to live a few years in the future and remember that the tools we have now are going to kind of suck looking backwards at them and that’s how we make sure the future is better.





  • 即時応答: GPTは、簡単な問題や既知の問題に対して迅速に回答できます。

  • 均等な計算資源割り当て: 現在のGPTは、生成する各トークンに対しておおよそ同じ量の計算資源を割り当てます。


  • 複雑な問題への適応的計算資源割り当て: 現在のアーキテクチャでは、より難しい問題に対してより多くの計算資源を割り当て、それに応じて「深く考える」能力が限定されています。

  • 新しいパラダイムの欠如: アルトマンは、より遅い、逐次的な思考プロセスに対応するための新しいパラダイムが必要であると指摘しており、現在の大規模言語モデル(LLMs)ではこの種の思考を実現するのが困難であることを示唆しています。

Lex Fridman
There’s just some questions I would love to ask, your intuition about what’s GPT able to do and not. So it’s allocating approximately the same amount of compute for each token it generates. Is there room there in this kind of approach to slower thinking, sequential thinking?

Sam Altman(01:00:51) I think there will be a new paradigm for that kind of thinking.

Lex Fridman(01:00:55) Will it be similar architecturally as what we’re seeing now with LLMs? Is it a layer on top of LLMs?

Sam Altman(01:01:04) I can imagine many ways to implement that. I think that’s less important than the question you were getting at, which is, do we need a way to do a slower kind of thinking, where the answer doesn’t have to get… I guess spiritually you could say that you want an AI to be able to think harder about a harder problem and answer more quickly about an easier problem. And I think that will be important.

Lex Fridman(01:01:30) Is that like a human thought that we just have and you should be able to think hard? Is that wrong intuition?

Sam Altman(01:01:34) I suspect that’s a reasonable intuition.

Lex Fridman(01:01:37) Interesting. So it’s not possible once the GPT gets like GPT-7, would just instantaneously be able to see, “Here’s the proof of Fermat’s Theorem”?

Sam Altman(01:01:49) It seems to me like you want to be able to allocate more compute to harder problems. It seems to me that if you ask a system like that, “Prove Fermat’s Last Theorem,” versus, “What’s today’s date?,” unless it already knew and and had memorized the answer to the proof, assuming it’s got to go figure that out, seems like that will take more compute.




Look, I think compute is going to be the currency of the future. I think it will be maybe the most precious commodity in the world






Sam Altman(01:10:01) Look, I think compute is going to be the currency of the future. I think it will be maybe the most precious commodity in the world, and I think we should be investing heavily to make a lot more compute. Compute, I think it’s going to be an unusual market. People think about the market for chips for mobile phones or something like that. And you can say that, okay, there’s 8 billion people in the world, maybe 7 billion of them have phones, maybe 6 billion, let’s say. They upgrade every two years, so the market per year is 3 billion system-on-chip for smartphones. And if you make 30 billion, you will not sell 10 times as many phones, because most people have one phone.

(01:10:50) But compute is different. Intelligence is going to be more like energy or something like that, where the only thing that I think makes sense to talk about is, at price X, the world will use this much compute, and at price Y, the world will use this much compute. Because if it’s really cheap, I’ll have it reading my email all day, giving me suggestions about what I maybe should think about or work on, and trying to cure cancer, and if it’s really expensive, maybe I’ll only use it, or we’ll only use it, to try to cure cancer.

(01:11:20) So I think the world is going to want a tremendous amount of compute. And there’s a lot of parts of that that are hard. Energy is the hardest part, building data centers is also hard, the supply chain is hard, and then of course, fabricating enough chips is hard. But this seems to be where things are going. We’re going to want an amount of compute that’s just hard to reason about right now.

Lex Fridman(01:11:43) How do you solve the energy puzzle? Nuclear-

Sam Altman(01:11:46) That’s what I believe.

Lex Fridman(01:11:47) …fusion?

Sam Altman(01:11:48) That’s what I believe.

Lex Fridman(01:11:49) Nuclear fusion?

Sam Altman(01:11:50) Yeah.

Lex Fridman(01:11:51) Who’s going to solve that?

Sam Altman(01:11:53) I think Helion’s doing the best work, but I’m happy there’s a race for fusion right now. Nuclear fission, I think, is also quite amazing, and I hope as a world we can re-embrace that. It’s really sad to me how the history of that went, and hope we get back to it in a meaningful way.

Lex Fridman(01:12:08) So to you, part of the puzzle is nuclear fission? Like nuclear reactors as we currently have them? And a lot of people are terrified because of Chernobyl and so on?




Lex Fridman(01:20:13) Yeah. What about the ad side? Have you ever considered monetization of-

Sam Altman(01:20:16) I kind of hate ads just as an aesthetic choice. I think ads needed to happen on the internet for a bunch of reasons, to get it going, but it’s a momentary industry. The world is richer now. I like that people pay for ChatGPT and know that the answers they’re getting are not influenced by advertisers. I’m sure there’s an ad unit that makes sense for LLMs, and I’m sure there’s a way to participate in the transaction stream in an unbiased way that is okay to do, but it’s also easy to think about the dystopic visions of the future where you ask ChatGPT something and it says, “Oh, you should think about buying this product,” or, “You should think about going here for your vacation,” or whatever.

(01:21:08) And I don’t know, we have a very simple business model and I like it, and I know that I’m not the product. I know I’m paying and that’s how the business model works. And when I go use Twitter or Facebook or Google or any other great product but ad-supported great product, I don’t love that, and I think it gets worse, not better, in a world with AI.

Lex Fridman(01:21:39) Yeah, I mean, I could imagine AI would be better at showing the best kind of version of ads, not in a dystopic future, but where the ads are for things you actually need. But then does that system always result in the ads driving the kind of stuff that’s shown? Yeah, I think it was a really bold move of Wikipedia not to do advertisements, but then it makes it very challenging as a business model. So you’re saying the current thing with OpenAI is sustainable, from a business perspective?

Sam Altman(01:22:15) Well, we have to figure out how to grow, but looks like we’re going to figure that out. If the question is do I think we can have a great business that pays for our compute needs without ads, that, I think the answer is yes.




Lex Fridman(01:35:02) There could be major theatrical moments, also. What to you would be an impressive thing AGI would do? You are alone in a room with the system.

Sam Altman(01:35:16) This is personally important to me. I don’t know if this is the right definition. I think when a system can significantly increase the rate of scientific discovery in the world, that’s a huge deal. I believe that most real economic growth comes from scientific and technological progress.





Lex Fridman(01:36:02) You quite possibly would be the person to build the AGI to be able to interact with it before anyone else does. What kind of stuff would you talk about?

Sam Altman(01:36:09) I mean, definitely the researchers here will do that before I do. But well, I’ve actually thought a lot about this question. I think as we talked about earlier, I think this is a bad framework, but if someone were like, “Okay, Sam, we’re finished. Here’s a laptop, this is the AGI. You can go talk to it.” I find it surprisingly difficult to say what I would ask that I would expect that first AGI to be able to answer. That first one is not going to be the one which is like, I don’t think, “Go explain to me the grand unified theory of physics, the theory of everything for physics.” I’d love to ask that question. I’d love to know the answer to that question.

Lex Fridman(01:36:55) You can ask yes or no questions about “Does such a theory exist? Can it exist?”

Sam Altman(01:37:00) Well, then, those are the first questions I would ask.

Lex Fridman(01:37:02) Yes or no. And then based on that, “Are there other alien civilizations out there? Yes or no? What’s your intuition?” And then you just ask that.

Sam Altman(01:37:10) Yeah, I mean, well, so I don’t expect that this first AGI could answer any of those questions even as yes or nos. But if it could, those would be very high on my list.

Lex Fridman(01:37:20) Maybe you can start assigning probabilities?

Sam Altman(01:37:22) Maybe. Maybe we need to go invent more technology and measure more things first.



Sam Altman(01:38:14) Look, I’ll just be very honest with this answer. I was going to say, and I still believe this, that it is important that I nor any other one person have total control over OpenAI or over AGI. And I think you want a robust governance system. I can point out a whole bunch of things about all of our board drama from last year about how I didn’t fight it initially, and was just like, “Yeah. That’s the will of the board, even though I think it’s a really bad decision.” And then later, I clearly did fight it, and I can explain the nuance and why I think it was okay for me to fight it later. But as many people have observed, although the board had the legal ability to fire me, in practice, it didn’t quite work. And that is its own kind of governance failure.

(01:39:24) Now again, I feel like I can completely defend the specifics here, and I think most people would agree with that, but it does make it harder for me to look you in the eye and say, “Hey, the board can just fire me.” I continue to not want super-voting control over OpenAI. I never have. Never have had it, never wanted it. Even after all this craziness, I still don’t want it. I continue to think that no company should be making these decisions, and that we really need governments to put rules of the road in place.

(01:40:12) And I realize that that means people like Marc Andreessen or whatever will claim I’m going for regulatory capture, and I’m just willing to be misunderstood there. It’s not true. And I think in the fullness of time, it’ll get proven out why this is important. But I think I have made plenty of bad decisions for OpenAI along the way, and a lot of good ones, and I’m proud of the track record overall. But I don’t think any one person should, and I don’t think any one person will. I think it’s just too big of a thing now, and it’s happening throughout society in a good and healthy way. But I don’t think any one person should be in control of an AGI, or this whole movement towards AGI. And I don’t think that’s what’s happening.



この問題に関しては、多くのAI Safetyの研究者たちが関心を寄せ、深く検討していますが、サムアルトマンの発言によると、この問題に関して顕著な進展はまだないとのことです。


Lex Fridman(01:41:34) Are you afraid of losing control of the AGI itself? That’s a lot of people who are worried about existential risk not because of state actors, not because of security concerns, because of the AI itself.

Sam Altman(01:41:45) That is not my top worry as I currently see things. There have been times I worried about that more. There may be times again in the future where that’s my top worry. It’s not my top worry right now.

Lex Fridman(01:41:53) What’s your intuition about it not being your worry? Because there’s a lot of other stuff to worry about, essentially? You think you could be surprised? We-

Sam Altman(01:42:02) For sure.

Lex Fridman(01:42:02) … could be surprised?

Sam Altman(01:42:03) Of course. Saying it’s not my top worry doesn’t mean I don’t think we need to. I think we need to work on it. It’s super hard, and we have great people here who do work on that. I think there’s a lot of other things we also have to get right.

Lex Fridman(01:42:15) To you, it’s not super-easy to escape the box at this time, connect to the internet-

Sam Altman(01:42:21) We talked about theatrical risks earlier. That’s a theatrical risk. That is a thing that can really take over how people think about this problem. And there’s a big group of very smart, I think very well-meaning AI safety researchers that got super-hung up on this one problem, I’d argue without much progress, but super-hung up on this one problem. I’m actually happy that they do that, because I think we do need to think about this more. But I think it pushed out of the space of discourse a lot of the other very significant AI- related risks.






