
[Agribuddyの製品/The product of Agribuddy]

二日間ほどかかったDisbursedとTurn-over rateの州ごと、メンターごとの計算も終わり、上司のSophalに提出し終わりました。私の作成したものがこの先、役に立つかもしれないと思うと嬉しい限りです。月曜日までに、僕が次にする仕事を作成してくれるみたいなので楽しみです。こう言う風に地道に一つ一つ信頼を勝ち得ていく事が、働くという事なのだなと学びました。 

そのあと僕の部署は製品開発(Product-Development)という事で、製品について、忙しい時期ながら簡単に説明していただきました。今までAB(Agribuddy)は180の製品(肥料、種、鉢...etc)を取り扱ってきて、そのうち現在使われているものは100種類程度。ある肥料にはカリウムという元素が多く含まれていて、根の成長に役に立つ。これは稲の苗の安定性に大切である。現場のスタッフではないSophalでも、そこまでの事を知っているというのは驚くべき事だと感じました。農家は気候変動があった際などには、ABのPOP(Package of Product)を農家は変更する必要があります。本当にしんどい時には、化学肥料の割合を増やすなどです。そうした時に、ABは農家のこれまでの購買データを持っているので、最適なものを早くAgri Depotから提供できます。これによって農家からの信頼も集まりやすいと思いました。さらに言えば、それによってリスクの低減にもつながるわけです。



I finally finished the calculation of Disbursed and Turn-Over rate by each province and mentor, and submitted it to Sophal. I'm proud that this could be useful for the future of this company. He will assign a new task on Monday, so I'm excited. I learned that acquiring trust by doing each task with sincerity is the fundamental of working.

After that, he briefly explained me about the product of AB (I belong to Product Development department) although he is busy. So far AB has been handling 180 products such as fertilizers, seeds, and flowerpot, and 100 of them is currently implemented. A fertilizer contains a lot of potassium, and this helps the growth of the root which is crucial to the stability(the rice seedling does not fall down) of rice. I was quite surprised by that he knows till this extent even though he is not a field staff. A farmer has to change the POP in the situation where is the change in demand due to a factor e.g. climate change. They have to increase the use of a chemical fertilizer in some hardships. In this senario, all the purchasing data of farmers which AB possesses contributes on the fast and optimal responses from AB. This definitely enhances the trust from the farmers to AB. Furthermore, this lowers the risk of farming buisiness too.

Sophal told me that when AB sets the price of POP. I thought AB seeks the market equilibrium price to maximize the profit. It was a moment that the concepts I learned in my education in Canada was utilized in the real business circumstance. This also shows that AB is the price taker rather than the price setter.

I would like to know more about my department and the business structure of Agribuddy.
