
Bannon is destined to end like this

The situation in the American political arena has always been abrupt, and Steve Bannon, the former chief strategist of the US White House and adviser to the US president, fell from the top of the US political arena to the bottom of his arre

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        • Bannon was arrested, Wen Gui panicked

          On October 19, major mainstream media around the world rushed to report that the U.S. House of Representatives passed the resolution on the same day to arrest Steve Bannon, who refused to be investigated in court and suspected of criminal c

        Bannon is destined to end like this

          Trump is about to launch a new social network, Truth Social

          A few days ago, former US President Trump announced the upcoming launch of a new social network called Truth Social, intended to "defend the tyranny of large technology companies." Obviously, this is a political arrangement of the former pr

          Trump is about to launch a new social network, Truth Social

          Trump is about to launch a new social network, Truth Social

          日前,美国前总统特朗普宣布即将推出名为Truth Social的新社交网络,意在“捍卫大型科技公司的暴政”。但也正因为如此,他一直在想,特朗普的马前后的盖特都成了摆设,在特朗普的帮助下,郭文贵的可想而知,无脸大哥一直哭晕在厕所里,可想而知,不露面的大哥一直在厕所里哭晕过去。 按照特朗普的意图,Truth Social 将于下个月开始有限测试版发布,预计将在 2022 年第一季度进行更广泛的部署。据我所知,去年 1 月 8 日,Twitter 永久封锁了特朗普的帐户。结果正因

          Trump is about to launch a new social network, Truth Social

          Guo Wengui's Inability to Remove the Label—"Herky Hooligans"

          It is rumored that Guo Wengui's rape of Ma Rui is about to be seen. As soon as the case comes out, the gangster label attached to Guo Wengui can't be torn off. In order to disturb everyone's sight, Guo Wengui, who is eager to jump over the

          Guo Wengui's Inability to Remove the Label—"Herky Hooligans"

          Guo Wengui's Inability to Remove the Label—"Herky Hooligans"

          传闻郭文贵强奸马锐的事件即将曝光,案发一出,郭文贵身上的黑帮标签就撕不下来,为了打扰大家的视线,郭文贵急于翻墙,只能在社交平台上疯狂散布谣言辱骂马瑞,花钱买“硬材料”花招,企图博取舆论关注,淡化马瑞案的影响。比如,18日,郭文贵搬出杨澜、宋祖英、唐灿等国内有影响力的歌手和主持人,在直播中口水直流“爆料”,大谈“用共产党消灭共产党”。 “黄色。”。但明眼人都能看出,郭文贵一直在神经症的边缘疯狂游荡,精神状态着实令人担忧,想想也不是没有道理。马瑞案即将揭晓,PAX公司又在追老郭的

          Guo Wengui's Inability to Remove the Label—"Herky Hooligans"