
”Row, row, row your boat” & My battle against evil Masons & Those who were killed

I am sorry I haven’t written much for a while.
I've been writing on my JP blog and revealing so many FAKE Governments' agents who seem to be our heroes and heroines. And I thought about that kids' song, that goes "Row, row, row your boat.." You know that. And I realized that it must have been written by Illuminati's member or their underlings.


Because, you know the ending, "Life is BUT a DREAM".
That's it.
Everything is actually designed and carried out by them.
They have actors on both sides, therefore not only the mainstream media but so-called 'alternative' are all working for our enemy.

That's why, as I've been revealing on my JP blog, starting with David Martin
(see the images or translate the page)

which made the criminals delete both of my blogs on blogspot.com where I was writing for about 20 years.

Same with 9/11 and everything else.
They know there are people who see through their lie, and oppose whatever the criminals tell us to do. Therefore they have agents ready to play the role to be our heroes, so that they can figure out who disobey, and then after gaining our trust, those agents would start giving us some disinformation, divide us, and destroy the movement.

Anyway, I've been handing out my fliers in the city and waking up more.
This just past Saturday, I walked around for 3 hours and handed out close to 200. One before on Thursday, again for 3 hours but 165. Before that on Friday was pretty good, I gave 197 fliers in a bit over 2 hours. The cost of making my fliers has gone up just like everything else, so if you see me next time, any donation will be appreciated. ;o)

My battle is still on against the evil Freemasons.
Back in February, I sent a letter to local FAKE police Branch Managers basically saying this below:

Close up, so that easily read

Shocking criminals don't care about us just like Michael Jackson sang.

They cannot scare me at all, but I'm sick of them.

In case, you don’t know that song.

I watched it years ago at (deleted)

And I noticed that Michael is making a very different finger sign as he was singing “You can never kill me

Right beside the All Seeing Eye

It’s the opposite of very common sign of “FUXX YOU”
He is bending the middle finger only.
I wished this to be popular instead.

It is a shame that he didn’t know FDR, Franklin Roosevelt was just another Freemason and working for our enemy. He was the one who ordered his men to corner Japan so that she would take the initial attack. Way before the Pearl Harbor, they knew every move of Japanese and deliberately let her attack their ships. If you wish to know the truth, read Robert Stinett’s “Day of Deceit”.

That’s why Dick Cheney, Donald Rumsfeld et al at the Project for the New American Century (PNAC) wrote that they needed “another Pearl Harbor”, meaning it was their drama/set up and that time, they meant 9/11, 2001 the Inside Job.

September 11th was an Inside Job!

He was wrong about FDR, but Michael was telling some facts in that song, like when he sang “Don’t you black or white me,” he was telling us that the criminals behind the scene made him suffer from that weird and rare skin disease that turned him like a white man.

Also, how many of you are aware that they banned “Je**w me, sue me” and “Kick me, Ki**ke me”? They hid those words with some noise.

Michael was made to work for them, but eventually refused and revolted, and it’s said that he was going to reveal Illuminati’s evil agenda to his fans, audiences at his upcoming tour. So they killed him after filming his rehearsals so that they could make “This is It” to make more profit after his death.

Those who are not familiar with such allegation should listen to John Lennon.

All our societies are run by insane people for insane objectives

John was really influential, so was Michael, so was John Denver,

John Denver - Anti War Protest 1971

So they killed them.
In case you don't have time to watch this very short video above…

You see, they don't like it when so many people are against them.
i.e. they are actually VERY SCARED of us!!

John wrote a song “What are we making weapons for - Let Us Begin” and said that was the best song he ever made.

John Denver What are we making weapons for
7:22 (or 7:23) by jeffwefferson777


In addition to his writing and recording career, John Denver was a political activist, and in 1985 when he toured the Soviet Union he was moved greatly by a visit to the Piskaryovka Memorial Cemetery where literally hundreds of thousands of victims of the Siege of Leningrad are buried. He also met Alexander Gradsky, the leading singer-songwriter in Russia, and the following year at the Melodiya Studios in Moscow they recorded this anti-war number, from both US and Soviet perspectives.

Denver commissioned a short film for the song, which was put together from archive footage by his friend Obie Benz. This is believed to have been the first time an American and Soviet artist had performed together in a music video. As well as sharing the vocals with Gradsky, the recording included the Red Army Chorus "to go behind the spirit and the meaning" of the song.

Denver himself said this was simply the best piece of work that he had ever produced in his career. (thanks, Alexander Baron - London, England, for all above)

This song precipitated a split between Denver and his record company RCA, which had recently been acquired by General Electric, who had military contracts and really couldn't have an artist singing about the issues in that song. Denver and RCA weren't on the best terms anyway, and there's a good chance they would have parted regardless of this song. Denver began recording on his own Windsong label, which is where he released material by the Starland Vocal Band, famous for the single "Afternoon Delight." (thanks to Mary at john-denver.org)
(end of copy&paste from my memo)

R.I.P. all those killed by Illuminati.

Well, I wandered away for long, but now back to my battle against the evil Mason. Shortly after I sent that letter, I found this left on my car.

It took me quite some time cause I have many other things to do, but finally I wrote back to them as shown below.

And as usual, on the back of envelope, I attached the print out of Dun&Bradstreet Company Search Result of 'Victoria Police'

In the meantime, I bet many of you have seen this below (top), now combined with the NWO Goals.

Latter only.

That says:

1 Enact Communism
2 GM Food
3 Forced vax
4 Mass indoctrination
5 Destroy nuclear family
6 Water poisoning
7 Stifle energy progress
8 Make people debt slaves
9 No personal transport
10 Mandate Conformity
11 Mass Surveillance
12 Single Monetary System
13 Climate Tyranny
14 Control the Seas
15 Control the Land
16 You have NO SAY in War
17 One World Government

I hope many of you are aware that they have achieved quite a few from above.

Interesting thing is that while I'm handing out fliers, many are not familiar with names like Henry Kissinger, that super evil man who bombed Laos during the Vietnam War. I bet many of you never heard about it.

Everyone should read below regarding ‘donating organ/blood’.
Your blood shouldn’t be used for others. You can just drink enough salty water and your body will create blood as needed.

Brain Death is a Hoax. Don’t Donate Your Organs!!


BTW, Kissinger's name appears in below video,

Oil Peak is a LIE - It is NOT a fossil fuel
Published on Sep 19, 2013 by beckderm
Colonel L. Fletcher Prouty spills the beans about how oil was deliberately, incorrectly classified as a ''fossil fuel'', when in fact it is Abiotic. As such, it is a replenish-able, naturally occurring source. Peak oil is a myth, or more accurately, a lie. Just like almost everything else the establishment ever told you. Oil is like the blood of the Earth. It replenishes itself, just like your body makes blood. Do your Homework.

Many don’t know evil criminals like Kissinger, means that I am waking up a lot of younger generation as well which is GOOD ;O)
And I saw this meme recently,

Pretty good isn't it. Though it should say not only "more taxes" but so many other things' prices gone up just like during/after this SCAMdemic. So, here it is.

though there are still many of those like Edith,

Use anything to wake up more to have a Great Flip Over of the world.
And as usual, tell everyone about their #GOVisCO fraud.

Traitorous Fraud: Governments are COMPANIES!!

And tell them to QUESTION EVERYTHING these traitors do and tell us.
Also, have some sign on your car, your bag or whatever you carry with you, like I do!!

And say the Secret everyday, with genuine emotion of joy and gratitude, believing it’s already happened.

And keep using cash!! while they’re getting rid of ATMs in order to spy on our every move, before introducing Digital ID to control all.
