
Brain Death is a Hoax. Don’t Donate Your Organs!!

Someone showed me what was in the envelope from VicRoads the COMPANY,


I thought OMG!! The traitors are targeting more & younger generations to this SHOCKING FRAUD!!!!!!!!!  I wrote about this back in late 2019 on my original blog that the criminals deleted.  Therefore, I should write about it again. 


Liars have no problem lying any time...


Never buy this suggestion!!


Here I'll try to copy & paste what I wrote before even partially.  I started writing about another issue, "Don't go to Japan!"

Ever since 3/11 (11MAR11), I’ve been telling others,
Don’t go to Japan!!
and this might tell you why. It’s 22nd of last month at 6pm.


As I wrote on my JP blog (also deleted), its population which had been always increasing ever since they started taking data back in 1920, in five years after 3/11, we saw the first decline by one million. (Link I put there, no longer available)

Anyhow, I'll start with this video on 'organ donation' FRAUD, which I first watched:

Brain Death is a Hoax. Don’t Donate Your Organs

You can simply watch above video yourself, but some might prefer to read it I guess, so I’ll write down the transcript even though it’s not complete:

I started Special Care Nursery at Cardinal Glennon Children's Hospital in 1963. And we were instrumental in… we helped invent the ventilator, we invented how to take blood pressure on premature birth babies. We were the ones that invented nutrition in the vein. We identified the need for Magnesium, the need for Zinc, the need for Copper. And we did metabolic beds (?), we did every intake and output and did these things so we were a leader in the field of Neonatalogy, the hospital, still is so, a leader in the field of Neonatalogy.

But… then I had a baby, Joseph in 1975 with flat brain waves and said to be ‘brain dead’. And it was suggested to stop treating him, I said, “Well I don’t do that. I treat babies some XX lives some die” and kept treating him. And he did eventually get of the ventilator and he went to school, he got straight A’s, and he ran tracks, play baseball. He’s married with his three children.

So, because of him, after about six months when he continued to live and was doing much better than anybody would have predicted, I started to investigate ‘brain death’ and it took about two years till I understood the language of ‘brain death’.

‘Brain death’ is a lie.
It’s a lie that it’s been told over and over again so people don’t even realize it’s a lie anymore but it’s been a lie from the beginning, continuous to be a lie.

So, I published in the medical literature, I have an article on the Journal of American Medical Association, I have an article on the XX Law Review, it’s 85 pages and 244 footnotes to it. And because of that, eventually I have continued to talk about ‘brain death’, ‘brain death’ is a lie. I talked all over the United States, I’ve talked in many countries on this subject and continue to do it. And that’s… because of different things, that’s how I got to meet Ted XX (Forgaty?). I didn’t meet him myself but through his cousin who’s a physician and listened to what I had to say and we went to a football game, and she said you should know my cousin. So that’s how I get involved with this.

The truth is easy.
And then once you deviate from the truth, then you have… first it’s “it’s false” but then when people become conscious of “it’s false”, then it’s a lie. ‘Brain death’ is a lie

The way it occurred was that Christian Barnard did the first heart transplant in South Africa in 1967. Three days later, they did the second heart transplant. You don’t know where that is, but I’ll tell you, it was done in Brooklyn, New York. And what they did is that they cut a beating heart out of a three day old baby and transplanted into an 18 day old baby.


Above, said three day old baby who was killed. In order to make him/her weak or weaker, they surrounded him/her with ice

And at the end of their surgeries, short time after the end of their surgeries, both those babies were dead.


It was illegal, it was immoral. And so, they had to do something to make it legal. And so what they did is to set up a committee at Harvard and
the Committee invented ‘brain death’. The Committee did not do studies on dogs or cats of rats. They didn’t collect data on human beings, so just invented ‘brain death’. They had no patient data, and no basic science studies.

And… I know it’s really awful when you know about it. And it doesn’t get better. It keeps getting worse after that. A lot of people think that ‘brain death’ means flat brain waves. They’re not even required to do brain wave testing. The way they did that… they studied 9 patients and 2 of the 9 still had brain wave activity. Then they concluded no longer it is necessary to look at brain waves. So it’s not required to look for brain wave activity.

- But when they’re doing the transplantation, um… people say they are “brain dead”

They’re all alive.

- They’re all alive and completely recoverable…

They’re all alive. You can not..

- So you’re harvesting organs that of people who are in some way conscious, they just can’t communicate?

Well, consciousness..

- There still pain,

Consciousness and pain… I encourage you to sharpen your mind so that you stay focus on one issue or the other.

- Sure

OK, and consciousness is important. But it’s one thing.. not to demonstrate consciousness, then we use words like “unconscious’. But “unconscious” does not mean that there is no consciousness… just means that we do not observe consciousness. And there’s a difference. So…

- it’s like, subjective..

Right, whether a person shows consciousness or not does not indicate whether they are alive or dead. So… and.. you use consciousness and what else did you use…

- Pain, that they feel pain when they take the organ out

Oh pain.
Pain is one of those things that’s real and we should pay attention to it. But pain is the way that body.. body knows that something is wrong, and it’s the way that healing is initiated. We live in a world where no one should have any pain, but there’re some sayings… “No pain, no gain”.

- “Pain free” is not exactly a good thing.

In fact of the matters, it’s a bad thing.
So, focus on pain now, here’s what happens.
Just because a person can’t demonstrate pain doesn’t mean they don’t have pain, you know a very good example of that is they give paralyzing agents when they take the organs. So that they don’t move, they don’t squirm.

- Oh, that’s so horrible…

And even if they don’t move and they don’t squirm, they cut on them and their heart rate goes up and their blood pressure goes up, and which is the response to pain. And.. but they can’t demonstrate that they have pain.

- Because they are paralyzed.. they medically paralyzed them.

Yeah, they paralyze them.

- So they can’t XXX.. oh, that’s horrible. Horrible, horrible…

And it gets really bad if you pay attention to it.
So, in any event they invented ‘brain death’ to, mainly to get organs.
But then also so that they don’t waste money on treating people who aren’t ever gonna get a job. Who just going to live and not die
(*i.e. useless eaters). So, what ’brain death’ is, it’s primarily a way to get organs.

- So there’s no difference with what they did in Germany.

It’s exactly what they did in Germany.

Around 12:42
See, and you cannot get any, cannot get any organs from a cadaver. Every organ that’s transplanted is a healthy organ and you can only get healthy organs from living persons. You cannot get any organ for transplant from a cadaver. And the things I’m telling you is that you are not allowed to hear. Because if you hear it, you will be upset, as you, all three of you are upset. And you rightfully so, you should be upset.

Because.. whose organs do they want? They want the organs from … certainly from all children but especially the people who are 16 to 30. And their life is in jeopardy. If they are unconscious and on the ventilator, they’re going to get their organs. And they do everything to get the organs. And once their organs are taken, you can’t bring them back to life, so what they do is to tell the relatives, well… “Your daughter Sally would really like you to do something good, and this is the way to do something good out of this tragedy” and or your son…

Well while they have been getting organs from accidents and gun shots wounds. They now get more organs from overdose of drugs than they do from accidents and gun shots wounds combined. There are eight deaths a day from overdose in Ohio. And they get the organs, that’s what they want. So what they’re doing is giving the police men the NarCan (?) to counteract the drug which (?) get them into the emergency room but doesn’t save the life because in emergency room, they still get organs.

- so diabolically disgusting

Around 15:45
In ‘brain death’, they do only three things for ‘brain death’.
One is that the patient does not show consciousness. The patient does not have brain stem reflexes that involve the eye or the ear. So.. there’s about 14 brain stem reflexes but they test only 6. They don’t test the others. And then the test that they do, is called the “apnea test”. It’s really not a test, it’s a procedure. And what they do is to take the ventilator away for ten minutes. And the patient has to demonstrate that they can take a breath in that ten minutes or that becomes the signal to cut out the organs. During the time they’re off the ventilator, the carbon dioxide builds up, the acids build up that makes the brain swell worse, and makes them get worse. So everybody must learn, do not do an apnea test. You all must learn it now. And you have to know it. I hope you never have to use it on your relatives but you need to learn it. Do not do an apnea test. No one should ever have the procedure of an apnea test. And then, you have to know that the overdose of drugs, they need time to heal.
* * * * * * End of transcript * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * *

You can read his bio here,

Dr. Paul A. Byrne, M.D.



Paul A. Byrne, M.D. column

In above video, Dr. Byrne was talking about the killers first paralyze the donor, but when I read below, I realized that they don’t use anesthetic therefore, the ‘brain dead’ but fully alive patient will go through tremendous pain of his/her organ/s taken out.  Simply DREADFUL!!



Hope you understand what it means…
Yes, you are to go through a living hell of the pain of having your organs cut out of your body while you are alive as they kill you by stealing your organs. I was aware of this Modern Medicine and Vaccines FRAUD but this also shows HOW EVIL they are!!

You see, you've got to think.  They get organs by donation from you FOR FREE, while KILLING YOU in a a horrific manner, using and abusing your emotion and caring mind as usual, but they SELL THEM for BIG $$$$$$$$$.  That itself should tell you that you've got to question.

'Don't be an organ donor': Dr. Paul Byrne
LifeSiteNews Jul 1, 2019
Neonatologist Dr. Paul Byrne, president of the Life Guardian Foundation, addresses the 2019 John Paul II Academy for Human Life and Family conference in Rome. May 20, 2019.
Oh, above got deleted... Shame!

Life Guardian Foundation

Pro-Life Champions
Dr. Paul Byrne: From preemies to end-of-life issues, one man has made a difference
2017 Spring | Rob Sample

Paul Byrne The Shadowy Side to Organ Transplants
True North May 16, 2014

Does the Government Own Your Organs? What You Don’t Know Can Kill You | Dr. Paul Byrne MD

The Miracle of Life

The Evils of Euthanasia

Brain Death Versus True Death

Might as well, watch this one to realize what's been happening.

Illuminati - The Secret Covenant

My mate told me that they reckon you CONSENTED to donate your organ UNLESS you tell them that you don't.   So make sure to notify them, before they TAKE YOUR LIFE.


Australian Organ and Tissue Authority (OTA)

So make sure you write up a note to tell them that you do not consent to donate any of your organ, and send it to this Traitorous, Fraudulent, Criminal COMPANY.


As usual, please share this with others, do your bits to wake up more everyday, and say the Secret with genuine emotion of joy and gratitude, believing it’s already happened.


And please click that pink heart or clapping image towards the bottom. ;o)
