
Ready to see their True Colors?

This is a serious CHILD ABUSE.
The girl is saying "It hurts!" but she means "I don't like this!" or "HARD TO BREATHE!!"

Her IQ could go down, and her face could be disfigured.
I've been saying it's a tragedy to have a STUPID parent/s, and this is yet another example, sadly.

Now, as I wrote before,

there are TONS of agents among us.
I'm sure some of you would be really disappointed or even offended, but this is our reality. I left a few links to see the images in my previous article,

but here I'm going to upload those images.
First, from her first video… I'm sure you know which one.
Just like many of you, I was a bit surprised to see this very charming young girl telling us about this grave issue. As I've been saying for many years, quite often these FAKE Governments' agents are good-looking/beautiful so that their looks give them a big advantage to start with - i.e. BUY your emotion/support easily.

It's CLOSED 6 6 6

You don't buy this "CLOSED 666"?
Well, years ago, Director Joshua Logan was doing it.

CLOSED 6 6 6

So I guess it's been around for long time.

This weird shape llike an elephant, I see many times not just her but with others, therefore I assume there's some meaning to it.
With both hands, 6 6 6 X 2
Boaz and Yachin, the two pillars of Masons

And here comes,


WOW, note.com doesn't let me the next one at all. Hmmmm…
It's her showing the same as above. If you watch the video carefully where it said,
Nanotechnology" on her left, you will see it.

Mmmmmm, they don't let me upload any image now.
So I have to ask you to go to

for those Critically Thinking Doctors,

Zelenko, I'm sure he is still alive since he never looked like "dying from cancer" at all

And Bryan Ardis, though his story about VENOM is true!

Please wake up fully, train yourself to figure out spooks, and share this with others far and wide. Keep doing your bits to wake up more everyday, not only on the net but in real life, and say the Secret with genuine emotion of joy and gratitude, believing it’s already happened.

And please click that pink heart or clapping image towards the bottom. ;o)
