
TONS of FAKE Governments’ agents everywhere!! & Do you still trust that Jesuit!??

Away from the town, there is a farm that sells organic eggs, and when I went there last time, I saw male peacock wooing the female, who was behind his feathers.

They were a bit away from me, but it was beautiful!

I didn’t know there were scale like green things at the bottom of the feathers.

The female didn’t seem interested.

So I guess the male decided to make no further effort…

Anyhow, I haven’t written update on this, but I’m still battling with utility bills.
The top I hid reads "Still waiting"

I’ve been asking them some questions, and they never answer.
So I haven’t paid them for almost a year now…

And as I wrote before, everything is what they are showing us.

”Row, row, row your boat” & My battle against evil Masons & Those who were killed
2023年6月6日 18:00

I wrote above after revealing so many FAKE Governments’ agents/Illuminati’s underlings among those who seemed to be our heroes or heroines, starting with Dr. Carrie Madej and so many others.

I showed these fraudsters mainly on my JP blog and put the links to some in this blog in the past. I know you like them and believe they are heroes, but don't let your emotion block your eyes and ears.

Two pillars, or incomplete pyramid

Look at this one.
Making the triangle but you’ve gotta train yourself a lot to make this shape.

See that?
Inverted pyramid and M X 2 with both fingers.

Baphomet's, 2 fingers together.

Pyramid with M X 2

Above are just few images of each and so many others are working for the other side, like this woman.

It’s really amazing but once you understand that everything we see are prepared by them, you can see what I see.

Just to name a few, Del Bigtree, Zev Zelenko (I don’t think he’s dead), Rashid Butter (I don’t think he is dead either), Stew Peters, Michael J. Matt, Poomima Wagh, Santos guy,

He's there to 'teach you' the wrong way to fight back. Just like Peter Gargan, Darryl O'Brien, Derek whoever, the FAKE truthers.

Making Mason's "M"

R. Roos,

Scott Ritter. This interviewer, too, of course.

Ricardo and Jose of La Quinta Columna,

RFK, Jr. I call these “closed 6 6 6”

John O’Looney,

and the interviewer,

Just like the Aussie counterpart,

And that doctor he was interviewing,

And that ‘brave’ (FAKE) police officer,

And her interviewer,

Roger Hodkinson and his mate,

That EU politician, C. Anderson

Sasha Latypova, Stefan Lanka, Sucharit Bhakdi, Rashid Butter, Malcolm Roberts, G. Rennick, Scott Jensen, James Corbett, Mike Adams, Kyle Young, Tom Cowan, Peter McCullough, Bryan Ardis, Ty Bollinger, Dolores Cahill, Anne McCloskey, Reiner Fuellmich (and his mates), Deborah Tavares, Elana Freeland, that woman lawyer Dundas, Steve Kirsch, Ryan Cole, Thomas Renz, Charles Hoffe, Richard Bartlett, Judy Mikovitz,

Like "Poirot" actor, David Suchet

and many, many more.

Mind you, I’ve got tens of images of many of above each, showing Satanic signs to say this. And many of them, I already uploaded on my JP blog.

Most shocking of all for me was the whistleblower of Microwave Weapons, Barrie Trower.

But once I understood that “Life is but a dream” that they are showing to us, I can accept that fact without letting my emotion block my eyes and ears.

Anyhow, through my finding these agents, I realized the pattern has been always the same all the time.

When I saw somebody posting a link to this man. I don't know if he was genuine, but his method is LUKE WARM.


it reminded me of a documentary that I saw years ago, made by Aaron Russo.

America: From Freedom to Fascism

When I watched it, I probably thought “WOW!!”
And I believe it was after or around that time, I saw Alex Jones interviewing Russo, and I translated about 12 minutes of it to JP.

Jones is of course, one of those agents along with Icke and all.
And yet, Russo’s story sounded very true there.

Even so, way before that, I listened to the genuine truther Bill Cooper revealing Russo.

William Cooper Exposes Aaron Russo

So, I watched Russo’s documentary again and then it made me laugh to see so many agents!! starting with that old man who wrote the issue that was started on Jekyll Island but still alive and well,

And this woman was working hard in this Corona SCAMdemic, too.

He apparently denied it, but these cult followers are known to LIE ALL THE TIME.

And that former police officer who said the guy who got TWO shots in his brain, "committed a suicide".

I don't know this guy, but there are tons more everywhere in every issue you can imagine.

Also, I wrote (on my JP blog) that so many of those who interview others and upload videos on the net are actually Illuminati’s underlings, like that Maria Zee who looked like this in her videos' opening, to gain your emotion - you'd like her.

But actually, she looks like this.

Looks like Okame, one of comical JP masks

who made one video with Australian doctors telling the truth if you remember, but many there were also agents.

And what these agents are doing is to:

  1. let us know what kind of crimes they are committing on us, and if we don’t revolt big time, they see it as they got our OK to do that. The key word there is as you probably know, 'consent'.

  2. tell us what they are going to do in the near future, and use our energy of thinking about it to achieve their goal - to realize their evil plan. It’s like them casting a SPELL upon us. So you shouldn't do that. That's why I discourage anyone spreading their words.

  3. showing many doctors or whoever, talking truth, and then they encourage others to join them - i.e. like a witch hunt. They'll encourage the genuine ones to show up, and most likely retaliate behind the scene i.e. arrest those, shut them up, and in some cases, would kill them.

  4. hide the bottom lie like Governments are fraudulent COMPANIES, which actually gives us a real solution, but tell us some facts like Russo did. Their info is luke-warm therefore it cannot solve the problem.

Therefore, you’ve gotta be very careful. You can still use their info cause many are true, but don't dwell on it. And you should train yourself to figure out who is such an agent.

Talking about Bill Cooper, I was shocked when he said that this song,

Bette Midler - the Rose

from Aaron Russo’s “The Rose” was actually to praise the Rosicrucians!!
I like that song and I sang it at my gigs some times. But as you can see, sites like these do talk about the relation with Freemasons.


Written by J. Gordon Melton
Fact-checked by The Editors of Encyclopedia Britannica
Last Updated: Article History

Then I saw a new film coming, seems with many such agents.


Police State - A Film by Dinesh D'Souza

Police State (2023) Trailer | New Dinesh D'Souza documentary

Ron’s son, Rand Paul, I think

saying something to defend Trump.
So I found one motive of this film.

To praise this Jesuit for the up coming election!
Remember that Al Smith Dinner?

He was showing the signs many a time there, too.

And that Cardinal nudged him to let him know that they chose him, and Donald nodding?

How many times do I need to tell you that TRUMP is a Jesuit!!
Living in the penthouse on 66th floor of the Trump Tower, worshiping Apollo, the sun’s God i.e. RA

Many fools tend to forget he was the one who started the Operation Warp Speed to promote COVID poisonous vaccines. What's wrong with their memory!??

2.3, really.
They love that number "23"

Larry Silverstein made a fortune via insurance after that horrific crime called 9/11. And he is a “very good friend” of his.

Along with that evil man, Henry Kissinger his another "good friend"

Trump also said that Rudy Giuliani is his good friend, too.
That guy committed a shocking crime called ‘destroying the evidence’ right after 9/11.

“… the majority of the evidence DESTROYED…”

And breaking a promise like this is no problem for Trump.

He never cared about stopping toxic chemtrails either,

And to those who believe Trump stopped TPP, you’d better think it over and check facts right. Not that sure about these guys either, but…

USMCA - Jared Kushner and The Trump Deception

And now it seems he’s promoting that 15 minutes City, though 'fact checkers' denying it.

I told you many a time, that he is the one who signed the FAKE Executive Orders to promote GMO, vaccines, and 5G.

And you still trust this Jesuit!???
I’ve been saying this for some years, before he started to sit in that chair in the White House.

Nobody can sit there unless Illuminati approves.



Only one genuine truther I’ve found so far in this Corona SCAMdemic, was surrounded by these evil agents,

and kicked out of this movement.

You probably forgot about him. Wonder if any of his video left on the net… cause I haven’t seen him much at all for quite some time, especially after that arrest in London.

Heiko Schöning, M.D. arrested unlawful at Speakers Corner London 26.09.2020, Interview on English

Dr Heiko Schöning Interview in London English mit Deutschem UT 26 09 2020

Above seems deleted.
And the reason is this.

He found the link between Corona SCAMdemic and that anthrax scare on/around 9/11.

Heiko Schöning – Dark Winter
TRUCKENATOR Published January 1, 2021

Dr Heiko Schöning "GAME OVER" his latest book
DIGNIDAD PARA TODOS Published September 29, 2021

Dr. Heiko Schöning - Operation(s) Dark Winter(s) - 2001 & 2021 - Same Script Same Players - ENG
London Pete '72 - 2Q2Q

Dr Heiko Schöning - Game Over
First published at 22:55 UTC on December 16th, 2021.
In his new book "Game Over" Dr Heiko Schöning reveals the scandal of the covid conspiracy linking it to the manufactured anthrax crisis and the criminal activities of the global cabal.

Now, they are promoting this Jesuit

for the next FAKE President of the United States and sadly, many are buying it. That’s just another TRAP, another FARCE, everyone. It’s time to realize what should be done instead.

The important thing is that we’ve got to get rid of this fraudulent system called ‘government’ once and for all. That’s why they place so many FAKE actors/actresses to urge you to keep voting.

You've got to WAKE UP genuinely and stop helping the criminals.
Read below if you haven't.

Traitorous Fraud: Governments are COMPANIES!!

Even if they are not companies but legit Governments, it’s simply giving you an illusion that you are participating politics by voting, while voting means you giving your political power and responsibility to a total stranger!! That’s why they become SO POWERFUL and commit unforgivable crimes one after another upon us!!

Seriously, time to wake up and wake up more.
Share this with everyone you know, and tell them to QUESTION EVERYTHING these traitors do and say.

Have some sign on your car, your bag or whatever you carry with you, like I do!!

As I told you before, they NEVER stop me because of my signs.

Also because SNS cannot spread the word, really. It’s actually designed to divide us, we the people, into a group of awoken and those left in the dark. The latter never comes to see your post, so we’ve got to show them something in real life.

On top, do not forget to say the Secret everyday, with genuine emotion of joy and gratitude, believing itʼs already happened.

And keep using cash!! while theyʼre getting rid of ATMs in order to spy on our every move, before introducing Digital ID to control all.
