
[Pandemic Lie] DETOX, DETOX, DETOX!!

I know there are many who didn’t want to get this poisonous Russian Roulette, but ‘had to’ to keep their job etc. And even when you don’t have any apparent symptom, we never know what it could do to you in coming years. Therefore, I’d say you should detox.

I’m sure many of you did some research yourself, but I show you here some of the things.

Back early March last year, I sat with my daughter’s friend whose mother got Turbo Cancer and dying. I wrote a memo and explained all kinds of things.

He seemed to have understood all I was telling him, but they didn’t do a thing and the mother died shortly after as I warned him.

Before I go over the list, I’d like to start the real basic.
That is, STOP getting poisoned!!
Stop eating, drinking, inhaling (though it’s a bit hard), and/or sucking poison.

Stop eating junk food, cook yourself rather than buying some packaged food, and use good salt, sugar and oil.

I use organic Himalayan salt, organic Celtic salt, organic coconut sugar, and organic coconut oil which is the ONLY oil that doesn’t go rancid. And as I wrote there, it actually supports your brain function. I saw a video some years ago, of this woman doctor in the U.S. telling us that feeding her husband this oil in salad, soup etc., who’s got Alzheimer’s helped improving his condition.

I also use Sesame oil and Olive oil but especially the latter is for salad etc. (eating raw), and not for cooking.

NEVER buy Canola!!
AFAIK, in Victoria, canola and soy are all GM to begin with.
And soy is good for you ONLY when it’s fermented in traditional manner. Otherwise, it’s bad for you, especially bad for your thyroid.

I don’t buy cotton seed oil either, cause I strongly suspect that is also GM.

As for Canola, it was originally called RAPE seed oil.
Name tells you something, eh?

It was machinery oil and NOT for human consumption!!
Yet, the big exporter Canada wanted to sell more, therefore they made up a name,
Canada oil… Canada oil… CANOLA OIL!!

Sounds much nicer, and TV commercial telling you, “It’s HEALTHY, it’s HEALTHY!!”, more LIES as usual.

If you have it, SMELL IT. You should be able to tell that it’s POISON.

And my new year’s resolution (sort of) this year, is to NEVER BUY a bag of chips anymore. Every bag has got Canola now. Some says, “XX oil OR canola” but you can never tell. Such chips are not good for you to begin with, either. Make your own at home instead!! We've got to get ourselves used to with good food/drink etc. Eat, drink with your brain rather than with your tongue!!

Also, both garlic and ginger are very good to detox nasty things out of your system in general. So use them in your cooking. But make sure to buy NON “made in China” garlic.

Another thing is flour, as I wrote towards the bottom of the list.
Wheat has been altered to contain more protein, and on top, as many of you should know, they use Round Up = poison, to dry it quick at harvest time.

Nowadays I hardly ever buy any bread, because of that as well as the majority containing Canola. I usually use Spelt flour instead, along with Buckwheat, Tapioca, and Hemp Meal in cakes and bread.

I hope you’re NOT drinking tap water with Fluoride the shocking poison.
Use filter, something like this,

Might seem expensive but it’s actually cheaper than buying mineral water.
I was buying Coles 10L for some years, but I wish I bought above much earlier.

And more of that “fermented food”, I found that some scientists proved that Natto (Japanese fermented soy beans) has got this substance called Nattokinase (NK) and that actually DEGRADE Spike protein that poisonous shots gave you!!



They are talking about NK beating COVID-19 and/or influenza, but it’s the same. It must be able to beat what you got via shots. So many on our side are now encouraging to eat Natto.

Where can you buy it?
One shop I know in the city is called Tang, on Russell Street near Little Burke in Melbourne. And last time I went there, they were having a sale. It’s usually about $3,60 and up but the one I got was $2.90/pack. And they are Organic, too! ;o)

I assume any Asian Grocery shops carries it.
But try and get organic.

One pack has three portions.
When you don’t eat them soon, put them in a plastic bag so that they don’t get dried.

Open the portion, and peel off the plastic sheet over Natto.
It comes with sauce and mustard.

When you’re not sure about the ingredients, like this sauce has got “異性化液糖”

"isomerized liquid sugar" Mmmmm, not sure.
Then you just chuck it and use a bit of Tamari instead.

Add sauce or Tamari and mustard, and you stir well…

Until you see it gets stringy,

You might find it smelly… but think it’s medicine. REAL medicine that works. A friend of mine (Australian) likes it with spaghetti. We JP eat it with rice and raw egg.

Nowadays, the criminal media telling people that Natto can cause Anaphylaxie shock, to discourage everyone and stop them eating Natto!! Very interesting. Never heard such a case in tens of years!! I heard the similar with eggs, they now say eggs can cause blood clots!?? when eggs are actually good for you - try to buy organic there, too.

WEF Vows to BAN 'Dangerous' Eggs After Study Finds They Cure COVID Naturally Eating eggs is suddenly a highly dangerous activity, according to the global elite who say they want to ban people from consuming them for their own good. Scientists are now warni…

As for Natto, I saw someone saying “eat a spoonful every meal” but you find your own dose somehow. Some of you might have started doing that 16 hour fasting so find your way.

And this product I’m showng you is Organic i.e. NON-GM.
Yet, the traitors in Japan made a FAKE law that bans people to use such terms. But then, sellers thought of other way, and the third line you see below in brackets,


will be what you’d look for in the near future, meaning NON-GM when the term like “有機” i.e. “Organic” disappears.

Now, let us look at the list from the top.
One of the FAKE Government’s agents, Judy Mikovitz

*Showing Freemason’s M

told us that the antidote to this poisonous shot is called “Suramin” and someone like Mike Adams, another agent

*Showing the Pyramid

said, “Suramin is in pine needle! So, drink pine needle tea!” but Mikovitz denied it. And yet, it’s actually good for you, so if you have a pine tree nearby, might as well, drink it.

Quercetin is also what you can make yourself with lemon and grapefruit.
Search on the net for how to.
I made it a couple of times, and it’s nice.

Some people with symptoms got better by taking Magnesium Chloride (Mg Cl) bath.
I found this product in a chemist.

Some like Epsom Salt but some say that has got Sulfur, so “Mg Cl is better”.

And there, “NANO loves ACIDIC environment”, that’s what another agent Elana Freeland said,

  • 6 6 6


*Boaz and Yachin

And it’s actually very important to keep your body alkaline. It’s said it’s a known that cancer patients’ bodies are acidic.

Check what food is acidic, what is alkaline and make sure to keep you alkaline.

There I wrote, “home made pickles” and that’s because store bought ones could contain something that is not good for you. It’s easy, so learn how to. Also, “properly fermented food”, that’s because they can apparently ferment food like soy sauce CHEMICALLY. Therefore I always buy PureHarvest’s Organic Tamari.

Try to buy organic whenever you can.
I don’t really trust supermarket’s home brand, and yet I hope they are better than regular products. At least I try & buy carrots and potatoes organic.

When I feel I had too much acidic food, I take 1/2 to one teaspoonful of Bicarb-soda, put it into my mouth, and then drink some water to wash it down. That way I don’t taste it much.

Also, I mix one teaspoonful of Citric Acid with about a half of Bicarb-soda, adding filtered water, and drink it. It’s like lemon squash. And you can use lemon (juice) instead of Citric Acid.

Some who got shots, find this is helpful.
When I feel tired, this can give me some energy, and I bet this also helps you keep yourself alkaline.

Unfortunately, McKenzie’s along with many others raised their prices. Their Citric Acid was mere $2.20 but now it’s $3.00. Still, it’s less than a cup of coffee in a Cafe!! ;O)

It tends to get hard inside the packages. So I cut it open, and break it into smaller chunks, and keep it in air-tight container.

Although I didn’t write it on my memo/list, probably the one you should get is MMS. Miracle Mineral Solution. I’m sure you can buy at https://mmsaustralia.com.au

If you find many things I wrote is just troublesome, get that and take it everyday. If I were you, and without any apparent symptoms, I would drink 2 or 3 drops with citric acid solution per day. it’s YUCKY, but it cured when I felt really sick after inhaling poison from chemtrails years ago. And our FAKE authority really don’t want you to take it, just like apricot kernels for cancer, it tells you that it actually get rid of various health issues.

Did you watch this short video of Susan Pierce?


I don’t know if she is genuine or yet another agent, but if what she’s telling is true, you’ve got to detox that as well.

“…you’d get 25mg of Mercury if you get a flu shot. And in case of COVID, you’d get 25 to 30mg at least”

Here’s what I take under the guidance of a doctor who is very knowledgeable about Heavy Metal Toxins (including Aluminum and Copper), minerals and nutrition FYI.

Out of these, I’d say you’d better take Zinc like one a day, Magnesium one X twice a day, R Lipoic Acid plus Cilantro tincture for metal detox, and many those doctors who are actually working for the other side recommends N.A.C. = N-Acetyl-L-Cysteine which will create Glutathione in you. You can take Glutathione, but some says taking N.A,C. is better.

Apart from CENOVIS products, I buy these from iherb.
Also towards the bottom, I wrote "5% salty water instead of facial lotion". Yes, please be careful with facial/skin/hair care products!! Many are poison, along with deodorizer, perfume and laundry soap, and/or fabric softener.

Long lasting perfume must have gotten Micro Capsules and/or some kind of glue!! Stop using them, everyone.

Guess this is long enough for you to read and I haven't touched the issue of Parasite. But I really want you to get rid of what you got even if you don’t have any symptom now, we never know what that will do in the future. And I don’t want many more to suffer…

or killed…


The following media includes potentially sensitive content.

So PLEASE avoid any more poison, and DETOX!!

Be sure to read (if you haven’t) and forward this below to others,

Traitorous Fraud: Governments are COMPANIES!!

And train yourself to figure out spooks/agents/spies among us (there are TONS of them), and share this article with others far and wide. Keep doing your bits to wake up more and do it not only on the net but in real life.

Have some sign on your car like I do!!

Also say the Secret everyday, with genuine emotion of joy and gratitude, believing it’s already happened.

And please click that pink heart or clapping image towards the bottom. ;o)

*Top image borrowed from
