
The collection of TCCOR related spots

Updated :2020/05/31

Everyday is one step closer to Summer!
You know? I hate summer, cuz I am chubby!!
I hate being hot, cuz I am chubby!

AFN 大好き、米軍大好き、ミリオタアラフィフおばちゃんたばさです。

Chubbyって何かって? 辞書で引いてください。あえて日本語にしないミリオタchubbyおばちゃん(笑)

ちょっとずつ増やしていく予定。聞き間違いもあるかと思いますが、自分の聞き取りのメモ代わりに。訳も気が向いたらちょこちょこ載せていくかもしれないし、面倒なので載せないかもしれないし。←I am a lazy bum.

weather service branchの前もthe が聞こえなかったし。でも文脈的にいるよね~と言って足しました。多分言っているはず、でもtheが聞こえない。

Communication strategy and operations

TCCOR Tropical Cyclone Condition of Readiness 台風警報


AFN Iwakuniで流れたTCCOR関連のスポットです。AFN OkinawaのTCCORのスポットは実はまだ聞いたことがない。今年は聞いてみたい。

Here are some reminders for TCCOR 1 caution.
Everyone except PMO, the fire department, the branch Health Clinic, the weather Services Branch, COMMSTRAT and the boathouse personnel will be released in remain indoors to prepare for TCCOR 1 emergency. The only travel authorized is to your residents or a designated shelter.
The commissary will close and you can't consume any alcohol during TCCOR 1 caution. Review the destructive weather bill to ensure all tasks and reporting are done properly.

Here are some reminders for TCCOR 1 recovery. Everyone must stay indoors unless authorized to be outside. Commanding officers and department heads need to submit an initial damage report. Communication strategy and operations will provide photographic support to the facilities damage assessment team. Facilities and the Safety Center will assess the damage and check water sources to advise the TCCOR coordination center when to transition into TCCOR all clear.
