気候変動は未来の話ではない(Climate change is not a future story)

米国は連日続く猛暑で困っている。 日本は大雨で多くの被害を受けている。 韓国も7月の天気で経験したことのない猛暑が早く始まった。
山の下に位置する住居環境のおかげで、普通夏でもエアコンの作動はほとんどしなかったが、今年は7月初めからエアコンの稼動を始めた。 7月初めに30度を超える気温を経験したのは今年が初めてだ。
これまで経験したことのないことが引き続き起きている。 7月初めに30度を超える暑さ、世界各地で大雨と猛暑で苦しんでいる。
現在、インフレで多くの人々が困難を訴えている状況で、気候変化は現実的な問題として受け入れられていない。 現実の強迫観念が気候変動は単に未来の問題としてのみ受け止めている。
人間が目の前の利益に汲々とし、結局大きな失敗をする場合は歴史を通じても繰り返し強調されてきた。 アリストテレスは理性的動物として人間を定義したが、人間は理性より利益にもっと刺激を受けるとし、結局小さな利益を追いかけて大きな利益を逃すと言った。 中国戦国時代の‘漁夫之利’という故事成語もやはり目の前に利益に汲々とし、第三者がすべての利益を得る状況を描写している。 中国古書長子の「栗畑物語」もやはり利益に汲々とする人間の愚かさを語る。 セミを食べようとするカマキリ、カマキリはセミに気を取られて後ろにカマキリを狙うカササギがいることを知らない。 カササギも後ろに長子がいることを知らない。 長子は嘆息した 「万物はお互いに害を与え、利益はお互いが狙うんだ」
庶民が現実生活の前に置かれた逆境を私たちは理解する。 彼らに気候変化を強調しても現実的に難しいことは十分承知している。 しかし、戦争のない平和な国に住んでおり、思想統制を受けずに民主主義思想から自由を享受しており、明日食べ物がなくて空腹を心配することがない状況なら、私たちは感謝し、気候変化に対して真剣に悩み、自分がどのように寄与できるかを考えなければならない。 そのように大きな思考を持つによって、イーロンマスクのような電気自動車を生産するアイデアを生み、炭素排出権で付加収益を上げられる状況が到来するだろう。

The U.S. is suffering from the heat wave that continues day after day. Japan is suffering a lot from heavy rain. The heat wave that Korea has never experienced in July began early, too.
Thanks to the my residential environment located at the bottom of the mountain, the air conditioner was rarely operated even in summer, but this year, the air conditioner began to operate from early July. This year is the first time that it has experienced a temperature of more than 30 degrees Celsius in early July.
Things that have never been experienced continue to happen. It is suffering from heat waves of over 30 degrees Celsius in early July and heavy rains and heat waves all over the world.
Climate change, which was now felt only as a distant future story in a tough life due to the Corona, War, has come to reality.
Last time, I talked about climate change by introducing forest fires and heavy rains that are occurring around the world, but I am feeling the seriousness of climate change again.
Climate change is not considered a real problem at a time when many people are complaining of difficulties due to inflation. The compulsion of reality is that climate change is accepted only as a matter of the future.
Some organizations have stepped up to claim the seriousness of climate change, but it is not enough to be sympathized with by the majority of people.
As oil prices soar, Biden's government visits Saudi Arabia, where there are human rights issues, and South Korean and Japanese governments cannot ignore the immediate benefits of nuclear energy.
Even though the Korean and Japanese governments know the dangers of earthquakes and waste disposal, but choose the present over the future.
It has been repeatedly emphasized throughout history that people make big mistakes because they are eager to gain immediate benefits
Aristotle defined humans as rational animals, but he said that humans are more stimulated by profits than reason, and that they eventually miss big profits after pursuing small profits. The idiom "Fisherman" in the Chinese Warring States Period also describes a situation in which a third party takes all the profits in front of its eyes. The "Story of the Chestnut Field" of the Chinese ancient book Jangja also tells the folly of humans who are in a hurry to make profits. Warts and warts trying to eat cicadas are distracted by cicadas and do not know that there is a magpie behind them. The magpie also does not know that there is an Jangja behind it. He lamented. "Everything harms each other, and profits are aimed at each other."
We understand the adversity that ordinary people face in real life. I fully know that it is difficult for them to emphasize climate change in reality. But if you live in a peaceful country without war, enjoy freedom from democratic thought without control, and have nothing to worry about hunger because you have nothing to eat tomorrow, we should be grateful and think about climate change seriously and how we can contribute. With such a big mindset, we will be able to create an idea to produce electric vehicles like Elon Musk and make additional profits from carbon emissions.
Efforts to prevent climate change for future generations are an obligation given to current generations that are not immediately disadvantaged.(Q's hope)
