

My progress towards this year's goals.
This is going well. English diary achieved of three week, today. It seems that the median number of days need to form a habit is 66, so let's keep up this pace and make it a habit!
I've also learned the basic TypeScript, so I'm going to take a break from the front-end world for now and focus on learning SQL.
Last crypto assets. I want to earn 1 dollar, but I don't know what to do. I'm not interested in making money from playing games. I want to be compensated for my skills, so I will continue to gather information.




  1. 文法ミス:

    • My progress towards this year's goals.

      • "progress towards" は "progress on" が適切です。

    • English diary achieved of three week, today.

      • "achieved of" は不自然な表現です。

      • "three week" は "three weeks" に修正が必要です。

      • "today" は文末ではなく文頭に置くのが自然です。

    • It seems that the median number of days need to form a habit is 66.

      • "need" は "needed" に修正が必要です。

    • I've also learned the basic TypeScript.

      • "the basic" は "the basics of" に修正が必要です。

    • Last crypto assets.

      • "Last" は文脈的に意味不明です。

      • "crypto assets" は "cryptocurrency" または "cryptocurrencies" に修正が必要です。


My progress on this year's goals.
Today marks three weeks since I started writing an English diary. It seems that the median number of days needed to form a habit is 66, so let's keep up this pace and make it a habit!
I've also learned the basics of TypeScript, so I'm going to take a break from the front-end world for now and focus on learning SQL.
As for cryptocurrency, I want to earn 1 dollar, but I don't know what to do. I'm not interested in making money from playing games. I want to be compensated for my skills, so I will continue to gather information.


My progress on this year's goals.
Today marks three weeks since I started writing an English diary. It seems that the median number of days needed to form a habit is 66, so let's keep up this pace and make it a habit!
I've also learned the basics of TypeScript, so I'm going to take a break from the front-end world for now and focus on learning SQL.
As for cryptocurrency, I want to earn 1 dollar, but I don't know what to do. I'm not interested in making money from playing games. I want to be compensated for my skills, so I will continue to gather information.



since I started writing an English diary→

