

Engaging with Social media.
I use "X" frequently. "X" compare to others Social media, "X" had maniac information more than others that I would correct professional knowleage.
I don't use Others Social media. I feeled there are role has grown commercial.
Social media is very convenient and intersting, but there are eat up a we valuable time and creating unnecessary desires.

Get along with there.






  • Engaging with Social media.

    • "Social media" は複数形なので、"Engaging with social media." となります。

  • I use "X" frequently.

    • 文頭に主語が必要です。 "I use "X" frequently." となります。

  • "X" compare to others Social media, "X" had maniac information more than others that I would correct professional knowleage.

    • この文は文法的に誤っており、意味が不明瞭です。書き換える必要があります。

  • I don't use Others Social media.

    • "Others" は不要です。 "I don't use other social media." となります。

  • I feeled there are role has grown commercial.

    • "feeld" は "felt" の誤字です。また、"there are role" は "there is a role" の誤字です。さらに、"has grown commercial" は不自然な表現です。書き換える必要があります。

  • Social media is very convenient and intersting, but there are eat up a we valuable time and creating unnecessary desires.

    • "intersting" は "interesting" の誤字です。また、"there are eat up a we valuable time" は不自然な表現です。書き換える必要があります。


  • Engaging with Social media.

    • -> Engaging with social media.

  • I use "X" frequently.

    • -> I use "X" frequently.

  • "X" compare to others Social media, "X" had maniac information more than others that I would correct professional knowleage.

    • -> This sentence is grammatically incorrect and unclear. It needs to be rewritten.

  • I don't use Others Social media.

    • -> I don't use other social media.

  • I feeled there are role has grown commercial.

    • -> I felt there is a role that has become more commercial.

  • Social media is very convenient and intersting, but there are eat up a we valuable time and creating unnecessary desires.

    • -> Social media is very convenient and interesting, but it can eat up a lot of our valuable time and create unnecessary desires.


Engaging with social media.
I use "X" frequently. "X" is a social media platform that focuses on professional networking. I find that it has more niche information than other social media platforms, which I find helpful for keeping my professional knowledge up-to-date.
I don't use other social media. I feel that they have become more commercialized and less focused on connecting with people.
Social media is very convenient and interesting, but it can eat up a lot of our valuable time and create unnecessary desires. It's important to be mindful of how we use social media and to set limits for ourselves.


Engaging with social media.
I use "X" frequently. "X" is a social media platform that focuses on professional networking. I find that it has more niche information than other social media platforms, which I find helpful for keeping my professional knowkedge up-to-date.
I don't use other social media. I feel that they have become more commercialized and less focused on connecting with people.
Social media is very convenient and interesting, but it can eat up a lot of our valuable time and create unnecessary desires. It's important to be mindful of how we use social media and to set limits for ourselves.



私は "X "を頻繁に使っている。「X」は、プロフェッショナルなネットワーキングに特化したソーシャルメディア・プラットフォームだ。他のソーシャルメディアよりもニッチな情報が多く、専門的な知識を最新に保つのに役立っている。


