

I'm fine a little. I going to talk about Hay Fever.

I have a Hay Fever. This time of year, I usually have headaches and a stuffy nose.
I hold a grudge "Sugi" and "hinoki", but I understand both why Japan has so many trees and why it's difficult to solve the ploblem. It is what is it.

Just endure this year.






  1. 文法ミス:

    • I'm fine a little.

      • "a little" は "fine" の後ろ に置く必要があります。

    • I going to talk about Hay Fever.

      • "going to" の前に主語 "I" が必要 です。

    • I hold a grudge "Sugi" and "hinoki".

      • "hold a grudge" は「恨みを持つ」 という意味なので、"have a grudge against" とする必要があります。

    • it's difficult to solve the ploblem.

      • "ploblem" は "problem" の綴りが間違っています。

  2. その他の修正点:

    • "I'm fine a little." は少し不自然な表現なので、"I'm feeling a little better." などに置き換えることができます。

    • "This time of year" の前に "Every year" を追加 すると、より明確になります。

    • "I have a Hay Fever." は冗長なので、"I suffer from hay fever." などに置き換えることができます。

    • "It is what is it." は口語的な表現なので、"That's just the way it is." などに置き換えることができます。

    • "Just endure this year." は少し消極的な表現なので、"I'll just have to get through this year." などに置き換えることができます。


I'm feeling a little better today.
Every year, this time of year, I suffer from hay fever. I usually have headaches and a stuffy nose.
I have a grudge against sugi and hinoki, but I understand both why Japan has so many trees and why it's difficult to solve the problem. That's just the way it is.
I'll just have to get through this year.


I'm feeling a little better today.
Every year, this time of year, I suffer from hay fever. I usually have headaches and a stuffy nose.
I have a grudge against sugi and hinoki, but I understand both why Japan has so many trees and why it's difficult to solve the problem. That's just the way it is.
I'll just have to get through this year.



That's just the way it is → しょうがない
※話し言葉だと It is what it is. っぽい
