
#3 Goals for the second half of 2024

Hi, it’s Mei here. Today, I want to share my goals for the second half of 2024. My motto for 2024 is pursuing well-being in the year ahead. My resolutions for this year are divided into three parts: ① Establish a daily practice of self-reflection, ② Stay committed to personal development, and ③ Value my time with my loved ones. Let me elaborate on each goal.

① Establish a daily practice of self-reflection

I used to think daily reflection routine was too tough to maintain because of my busy schedule last year. However, I realized it doesn’t take so much time and it’s pretty helpful for those with busy schedules. So, I kept it in mind and tried to continue doing it. And, guess what? I've managed to keep it up! I will keep doing it hehe

② Stay committed to personal development
What I wanted to devote myself to this goal was (1) Job hunting, (2) Graduate thesis, and (3) learning English. I have achieved or almost completed (1) and (2), so the last one, (3) learning English is gonna be my major goal for the next 6 months. To make English learning a sustainable habit, I set a specific object : getting a 900 score on the TOEIC test. It’s been a while since I took the TOEIC test even though I did took the IELTS test last year. Having a high TOEIC score will be helpful for me in the business world. Moreover, developing my English skills will help me to expand my horizons, especially in my career, allowing me to play an active role in global human resources.

③ Value my time with my loved ones
Based on my past experiences, I know I have not been good at finding a balance between work and life. I have been more work-oriented person, often prioritizing work over taking care of myself and spending time with my loved ones. While focusing on work is important,I've noticed that my heart is truly satisfied when I spend time with my loved ones, supporting each other. This realization was eye-opening and reminded me that excelling at work is not everything. However, changing my innate personality isn’t something that can happen overnight. So, I want to keep reminding myself of the support I've received from my family, partner, and friends and spend more time with them in the next six months before I start working as a regular worker.

That's all for today:) This post served as a reminder for me, and I plan to journal every Saturday. I hope I can continue this habit at least until the end of this year.
