
#2 Job hunting

Hello, it’s Mei here. Today, I want to delve into my recent experience with job hunting in Japan. Just two weeks ago, I received a job offer, marking the end of a nearly one-year-long journey filled with trial and error. The period ranks among the top three toughest phases of my life, alongside my Junior high school days and my time studying abroad.

My serious contemplation about post-graduation life began last July, shortly after returning from an exchange program in the Philippines. Achieving my dream of studying abroad had been a significant milestone. Besides, I had navigated an education system where success meant earning good grades for the past 15 years. They left me uncertain about my next steps. Little by little, I got to understand it was time for transitioning from education to the professional world, I faced a new set of challenges.

Fortunately, graduating half a year later gave me the time to introspect deeply and make confident decisions about my future. Reflecting on my impactful experiences and values helped me clarify my career aspirations. In Japan, unlike the other countries, companies often prioritize potential over current skills when hiring new graduates. My year-long journey through the Japanese recruiting process provided invaluable insights into staying true to myself and understanding my capabilities.

To sum it up, the key takeaway from my journey is this: the more you understand yourself, the clearer your path forward becomes. That’s all for today:)
