
A Rabbit of March

A Rabbit of March

What to do?
What to be done to be efficient?

Amn't I insufficient
To handle things so slowly?

Am I worth enough
to live and breathe?

Have I taken a wrong path
and is this all what resulted?


Ain't it like a hell
as I miss the spell

giving up being as it is
and yield as they claim


Rabbit of March is chasing
You, as he's unaware

He's shivering rush'd
Make you blind 

Of your inefficient efficiency
Of the beauty of spaciness


How am I today?
How does 'she' like the day to be?

Indulge?  In haste?  Melange?
--Sufficiency present all at the moment.



  As you might already know, I am a big adorer of Louis Carroll, as a hearing-sense-oriented person.  No other protagonist other than "Bread-And-Butter-Fly" can intrigue me more... My mind is happy playing such meaning and sound multiplied together--over and over again, and would never be tired. Like a child asking you to tickle you for FOREVER.

  It seems that my mind wants me to 'hurry' and 'efficient' as per the world trend asks us to be; however, if that's all how we drive ourselves everyday, something inside us dies. Whereas, creativity comes from 'indulging' in something that you might 'feel like' doing.

  In this crazy the end-of-term day (our fiscal year starts on April 1st), I couldn't help looking at myself being 'chased' by the Rabbit of March. Not even 'chasing' him, how can we imagine us being so much 'chased' by whatever the cause is?

 Let our creativity come alive
 And welcome the April shower to come!
