
Being an Ally

Being an Ally

I had trusted you teachers
I was told to pay respect to you
So I did
And how could you have humiliated me?

Was I a black sheep in the classroom?
Even so, was the fact THAT bad
enough to be teased or scolded in front of my classmates?
How DARE could you not trust
and pay respect to me
as much as I did to you?

What type of mean-heartedness
can drive an adult
to exclude his/her younger generation
whom they're supposed to 'educate'?

What would have twisted their hearts
till they'd been grown up
to live on their privileges?

Growing up,
Learning pedagogy,
Moved so much by her clear remark;
"Being a teacher is about being an ally to every student"

Becoming a teacher myself,
Becoming a parent,
Seeing my students or
My children's classmates
I see no kid unwilling initially to learn
But only those who are unmotivated

I wonder
What could have demotivated those kids
What kind of unreasonable system or convention
Could have put them in this state

Just like how I myself have struggled so long
With the beaten trust to the world
Fostered sarcastically by my teachers

I see they must have demotivated them.
I ain't wanna commit to that.

I don't want a nightmare
I want to create a paradise
A paradise where people are allied
And peacefully struggle
To compel the evil to confess

Shall we adults be an ally to every kid in this world,
may we?

