
BBC One minute World News 27 May, 2023

Long delays for some passengers traveling to the UK.  There's a problem
with the Border Force e-gate passport system. 
I'm live at London Heathrow one of many UK airports affected.  Here and at Gatwick the Royal Navy has been asked to step in to help support the Border Force system.

英国に渡航する一部の乗客に長い遅延が発生しています。 ボーダーフォースのEゲートパスポートシステムに問題があります。

The final day of campaigning in Turkey ahead of one of the country's most
divisive presidential elections. 
I'm Anna Foster live in Istanbul as candidates do the best try win over those final voters in the hours before the polls open.


The British TV presenter Phillip Schofield resigns from ITV after
acknowledging he had an affair with a younger male colleague from his daytime show.

イギリスのテレビ司会者Phillip Schofieldが、昼間の番組で共演した年下の男性との不倫を認め、ITVを辞職しました。

