
BBC One minute World News 02 June, 2023

The former British TV star Phillip Schofield tells the BBC his career is over after admitting to lying about an affair with a younger colleague.
What was unwise was the fact that it happened.  And that was a very very grave(重大な)error now.  It was consensual (合意に基づく、同意の上の)but it was my fault.

イギリスの元テレビスターPhillip Schofieldが、年下の同僚とのaffairについて嘘をついたことを認めた後、彼のキャリアは終わったとBBCに語っています。

America's top diplomatic called President Putin's invasion of Ukraine a
strategic failure.  NATO's former Deputy Assistant Secretary General talks to me about Ukraine joining the defense alliance.


And the former Premier League referee Keith Hackett has told the BBC that he
believes Jose Mourinho should be banned after the referee Anthony Taylor was abused during Wednesday's Europa League.

プレミアリーグの元審判官であるKeith Hackett氏は、水曜日のヨーロッパリーグの際に、Anthony Taylor審判が罵倒され、Jose Mourinho氏を追放するべきだとBBCに語っています。

