
BBC One minute World News 03 June, 2023

Officials in India say more than 260 people have died and over a thousand
have been injured in a train crash one of the worst since independence in 1947.  The Indian Prime Minister Narendra Modi has visited the crash site in the past hour.  And he says he's distressed (心を痛める)by what happened.


Police reports that 19 people have been arrested in connection with plan to disrupt the Epsom Derby Festival on Saturday.  Officers said 11 people were
arrested in the early hours of the morning following warrants(逮捕状)based on intelligence received ahead of the festival.  All were arrested on suspicion of conspiracy to commit public nuisance(妨害)and remain in public custody(拘留)

警察によると、土曜日の Epsom Derby Festivalを妨害する計画に関連して、19人が逮捕されたとのことです。警察官によると、フェスティバルの前に受け取った情報に基づく令状により、早朝に11人が逮捕されたとのことです。全員、公的妨害共謀の疑いで逮捕され、現在も拘留中です。

Rail services across England have come to a halt as 12,000 train drivers strike for the second time this week over paying conditions.  Members of the Aslef union are walking out for 24 hours on the majority of lines in England leaving
around 40 of services running only.


