
Uber for Space



Wednesday, February 3rd 2021

Groundbreaking biofuel rocket could be 'Uber for space'


Strapped to a trailer and pulled by a pick-up truck along a runway once used by B-52 bombers in the Cold War, it wasn't the most glamorous entrance for a rocket about to make history.


Stardust is a small rocket, just 20ft(6m) long and weighing 550lbs (250kg). But because it's relatively cheap to fly and doesn't need the high-tech infrastructure of larger rockets, it will help make space research accessible to more people. Students, researchers and businesses will be able to conduct experiments and test products with greater control and frequency.


Sascha Deri, who invented the biofuel, is cagey about what it's made of, but says it can be sourced from farms around the world. The founder and chief executive of bluShift Aerospace, he and his team have spent more than six years refining the formula and designing a modular hybrid engine, which is also unique.

バイオ燃料を開発したサッシャ・デリさんは、バイオ燃料の材料に関して非常に慎重で、公表しなかったが、世界の様々な農園から由来していると述べた。bluShift Aerospaceの創立者は、このユニークなハイブリッドエンジンの製法を計画し精製するのに6年間かかったという。

"Right now there are freight trains to space like SpaceX and ULA- and there are buses to space, like medium size rockets," says Deri. "They're taking thousands of kilograms to space, but there's no space launch service allowing one or two payloads to go to space.
There's no Uber to space. We want to be the Uber service to space."




Monday, 1st, 2021

This rocket uses carbon neutral biofuel and it's creators want it to become the 'Uber of space'


A company in Maine, US, has launched the world’s first commercial biofuel powered rocket.


Called Stardust, it is a prototype for a design intended to take small satellites and research projects into space. It was created by Maine-based aerospace firm, bluShift.


Launching on Sunday in sub-zero conditions, Stardust flew 1,219 metres into the air carrying a high school science project, a metal alloy being tested by a New Hampshire company and a Dutch stroopwafel.


A later version of the rocket, called Red Dwarf, will be able to enter orbit sometime in the future. It could carry tiny 10cm by 10cm satellites, known as Cube-Sats, 160km above the Earth’s surface.
最新型のロケットである Red Dwarfは、近い将来(地球周回)軌道に乗せる事が可能になる。Cube-Satsという10cm四方の小衛星を地表から160km上空へ運べるようになる。
