



Taiwanー"The most dangerous place on Earth" ー

What's behind the China-Taiwan divide? 中国と台湾の分断の裏では何が起こっている? Taiwan is now the "most dangerous place on earth" as it becomes "an arena for the rivalry between China and the United States 台湾は今、中国と米国の間の争いの場となっているため、「地球で最も危険な場所」である。 【これまでの経緯

Tokyo Olympics: COVID-19 testing for athletes

Sky News Monday, April 18th, 2021 Tokyo Olympics: Athletes set to be tested daily as part of stricter coronavirus countermeasures 東京オリンピック:さらに厳しい措置により選手たち、毎日コロナ感染テストを受ける予定 The delayed 2020 Olympics remain scheduled to start on July 23 in

Xin Jiang cotton pt.2

Monday, March 26th 2021 https://edition.cnn.com/2021/03/25/business/hm-nike-xinjiang-cotton-boycott-intl-hnk/index.html H&M and Nike are facing a boycott in China over Xinjiang cotton statements H&M、Nikeは新疆綿花についての主張で中国でボイコットを受ける H&M, Nik

Korea Japan sexual slavery court

慰安婦訴訟 South Korean court rejects wartime sexual slavery claim against Japan The Korea Herald Wednesday,April.21st.2021 http://m.koreaherald.com/view.php?ud=20210421000802&np=1&mp=1 A local court has determined that Japan cannot be force

France outlaws sex with children under age 15

CNN https://edition.cnn.com/2021/04/16/europe/france-consent-age-intl/index.html Friday, April 16th, 2021 France outlaws sex with children aged under 15 フランスで15歳以下の児童との性交を禁止する The French parliament on Thursday adopted legislation that c

European Super league

The New York Times https://www.nytimes.com/2021/04/19/sports/soccer/super-league-explainer.html Europe’s New Super League, Explained ヨーロッパの新しいスーパーリーグの解説 Late on Sunday night, 12 of the world’s biggest soccer clubs unveiled a plan to laun